The Time I almost became a Statistic

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It was a dark and stormy night in late February and it had been raining hard all day. Flood warnings had been out all day, our volunteer department was working its tail off helping everyone in need.  Well around 9:30pm that evening after I had gotten off working the Emergency squad the call came out for a mom and her infant trapped in a car with rising water. So I ran out and jumped into my car to race to the station to get the Firetruck to assist with the rescue. As I was speeding down the road is when disaster struck. I came around a blind curve and before I could realize what was happening I had driven head long into rising flood waters.  When the vehicle came to a stop I tried to open the door and get out; but I couldn't get the door open. the water was 3/4 of the way up the side of the vehicle.  I quickly grabbed the flashlight I keep in my door and broke out the window and climbed out onto the roof. I managed to cut myself on the glass from the window because my hand was bleeding pretty good. Since the water was moving fast and rising even faster I decided to stay put and call for help.   I had to sit there on my roof for a good 20 minutes in just my department shirt soaking wet. Finally rescue came for me in the form of a boat from a neighboring department.  They pulled me off the car and took me back to dry land.  Looking back this whole thing could have been a lot worse, I almost didn't make it home that night.  After it was all said and done, I managed to earned the nickname, Splash. 

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