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Tyler's pov
Y/n and I had just arrived at the bridge..
I was honestly terrified but I knew I couldn't chicken out now... "LETS GO!" Y/n called while quickly jumping out of the car.
She went over to the side of the bridge and began taking her clothing off to reveal her bathing suit. She hopped around as I did the same.
A guy who seemed a bit familiar began Walking towards us but I thought nothing of it and continued removing my clothes.
I pulled my shirt over my head...

Y/n pov
That guy seemed somewhat suspicious as he got closer..
As Tyler pulled his shirt over his head the guy charged at me quickly pushing me into the bridge on which I slammed my head..
I was dizzy and everything began to get dark.. The last thing I remembered was the guy saying "Tyler never loved you.." Then pushed me of into the flowing river....

Tyler's pov
As I fully pulled my shirt all the way off I saw the guy walking away and y/n no where to be seen.. Hmm..
I looked in every direction until I heard a lady scream..I snapped my head towards her and she pointed I tot he river..I looked at the horrific sight in shock..
Y/n's body was being pushed by the current and she seemed to be unconscious.. I handed the lady my phone and said "password is 2390 call 911!"
Just after she took it I jumped in hoping y/n was still breathing... As I caught up to her body I pulled her out and to the shore..
"Please be ok.." I mumbled under my voice as I laid her down gently..
I felt no pulse...
I began to push her chest In an attempt to get air into her lungs seeings as how she wasn't breathing..
"Come on y/n!" I mumbled.
About 5 minutes later an ambulance pulled up and the paramedics pulled her in.
Thankfully they let me in to. While driving a man was asking me questions.
"Whats this girls name?"
"Y-y/n l/n"

"How old?"

Once we arrived they didn't let me in the room so I paced the room anxiously..

*1 hour later*
Josh's pov
This is completely my fault! I didn't do what that guy said I had to and she got my pay back.. I'm so stupid..

Tyler's pov
Josh Brendon Sarah and Patrick were already here and I had already explained what happened.
"Tyler Joseph?" A male doctor asked.
"Yes?" I questioned scared for y/n.
"You may see her now."
We all quickly but quietly filed into the small hospital room.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry y/n!" I apologized feeling guilty.
"I-it's not your fault.." Her voice was hoarse and cracking..
" but.. I-I could have done something!" I pleaded.
"No Tyler.." She smiles sadly.

About 20 minutes later of us talking and apologizing Josh Sarah Brendon and Patrick left but I wouldn't leave until she could.
A bit later a doctor came In and said
"Miss L/n. You may leave tomorrow morning if you like."
She smiled and seemed excited. "Thanks.." She laughed. I loved her laugh..

"Hey Tyler? Do you think you could go get me clothes for when I can leave? Pleeeeeassseeee?" She sounded like a child as she held out her house keys."uh sure!" To took the keys and off to her house I went..
As I entered Lucas ran up to me so I decided to feed him.
Once I was done I went up the stairs to her room. I was careful with which Drawers I opened because if I opened one in particular it would be really awkward..
Eventually I found an outfit I thought was cute. I picked this

 I picked this

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