The truth was less beautiful

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  • Dedicated to an asshole who doesn't appreciate my humor

I think I thought I needed you

But it might have been a lie

I think I thought you were the love of my life

You say you're a simple guy

I think the thought of you reeled me in

The dream you can't quite grasp

Yes, a very distant dream

That sweet as chocolate sin

It was probably the comfort you gave me

On a lonely evening

Probably the rejection, that made it a game

The kisses you gave were only teasing

You became my one and only

You were the centre of my world

My mind's slightly skewed reality

You made all of the stories in the world unfold

You gave me dreams you brought me hope

The stars, they sung to me

And you showed me them.

But reality reclaimed me

A sharp tug to my wrist

A screamed "WAKE UP!"

From another, turned life coach

Your dreams were a lie

Your hopes futile

For you can't change a man

You can't change his mind.

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