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"How is Cali treating you Angela?"

My brothers voice echoed through the phone. As I laid my phone of my desk, putting him on speaker phone, I leaned back in my chair and scrolled through Facebook on my computer.

"Pretty good. Working. Haven't explored at all yet."

"Moving isn't about exploring. It's about bettering yourself."

I rolled my eyes. I was surprised he called me. Since he's a lot older than me, my brother and I have never really connected. Mainly the only time we talk is about my nephews,

"The boys miss you," he said.

I heard some car engines in the background. He must be driving.

I smiled. "I miss them too. How is baseball training for Jaden?"

Jaden, the oldest, was an amazing amazing ball player. He was only twelve and he already had college promises if he promises to get better.

"Good. But he might have to take a break to focus on school."

"School is good," I said. I twirled in my chair a bit.

Silence took over the conversation. I knew he didn't want to hang up. Neither did I.

"Call mom when you have the chance."

Then he hung up.

After doing some laundry, I decided to sit back in my desk chair and search for new songs on my computer. My fan was blowing cool air on me and  suddenly, a piece of paper flew off my desk and onto the floor. Not too worried of it, I just payed my attention on my computer screen. Eventually began to wonder what it was so I paused my music ,got up, and reached down to pick up the piece of paper. I sighed. It was the receipt that Apex wrote his number on. I was half tempted to throw it out, but the other half of me decided not too. Come on Angela. There is a attractive guy who is giving you everything you wanted. Why not try? I shook my head. Because, I thought, what would that make me? Someone who deserves a good guy. I don't. I say the paper down and hit play on my music.
"Friends are life."
I paused the song. This universe is messed up.

It was 10 pm. I was still deciding wether or not I wanted to text Apex. There is no way he thinks more than a friend of me. What do I have to lose. He doesn't know anything about me other than my name and my old clan. I grab my phone from the dresser and punch his number in. Hopefully he has an iPhone.
I type
Me: Hey :)

No no no that's too strong.

Me: what's up

Alright now it sounds like I could careless. Which I don't but I do? Uhhhh.

Me: Hi, it's Angela.

And before I can't even think, I hit send. I wait as it says it has been sent. He has an iphone. After ten minutes of waiting, I start to worry. Why? I don't know. Maybe cause I'm insecure. I was about to give up and go shower when I heard my phone ding. I ran to it and looked at the screen.

Apex: Hi Angela :)

I smiled. Someone texted me. My stomach felt jittery and my heart was pounding.

Apex: It's not often I give my number out,so I kind of figured it was you.

Me: yeah cause you're famous and all.

Apex: Not even that, I don't find many people worth my time. It took you a week though lol.

Me: sorry. I work and all...

I lied. Yes I work but I just forgot until I saw that receipt.

Apex: I completely understand. So how are you :)

For the next hour we texted. And it was only about our days and making jokes. No personal information was shared.

Apex: It's after midnight. I have to go and sleep. Gotta get up early.

Me: I'm sorry for keeping you up.

Apex: Don't. I enjoyed talking to you. It's fun.

Me: me too.

What the heck!!! No no no angela.

Apex: I'll stop in and get some coffee soon.

Me: alright lol

Apex: goodnight.

I shut the screen off on my phone and laid there. What have I done? I'm texting a guy. I got up and showered. Slowly. Once I was done, I climbed out and stared into the mirror.

"You will not fall for him."

Trusting Him (Faze Apex)Where stories live. Discover now