Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
Xena POV

"I can't believe this is actually happening to me." I breathed. My head was pressed against the car window as I stared out at the rows of houses passing by.

"It's always drama with you, Xena." My mom sighed. "Deal with it. This is your hometown for God's sake."

"Yeah, but I hate it. I like New Orleans better." I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest. "It's less sun."

That wasn't the entire reason why I hated my hometown of Honolulu. I had left my mom in Honolulu to live with older brother in New Orleans. I was fourteen at the time, and my mom had sent me because I had begged her too. But because my older brother had no time to care of me between medical school and his part time job, I was forced to go back to live with my mom. I had only stayed in New Orleans for two years, but I had warmed up to the city.

My mom finally pulled up in the driveway of my old house. She shut off the engine and smiled at me. I managed a weak smile back.

"Xena, listen." My mom said in stern, yet soft voice. "Is there something you want to tell me?"

I immediately knew what she was referring to. I felt my hands get clammy and my heart rate shot up.

"Tell you what?" I asked, trying to keep my voice from quaking.

"Why were you so eager to leave Hawaii?" My mom questioned. "Was it an issue with your friends?"

"No, mom. It wasn't" I lie rather boldly. "There wasn't an issue with anyone. I just wanted to out of this boring town."

And with that, I opened the car door and hopped out. I opened the trunk and pulled my suitcase along with my other bags out. My mom opened the front door and led the way in. The interior of the house was renovated, so it felt all foreign to me. I strained to lug my suitcase up the stairs to my room. I then walked toward my bedroom door and opened it really slowly. Surprisingly, my bedroom looked the exact same as I had left it.

My CD's were messily scattered across my desk, my same books, the bed sheets, the Jaws movie poster-everything. Even the furniture was there were I left it and my music box sitting on my vanity. The Polaroid pictures of me and my friends from over two years ago still hung on the wall. Even my two year old calendar was still hanging on the wall. My room looked untouched. Still inspecting my room, I threw my bags and suitcase on top of my bed.

What I was really staring at was the Polaroid pictures. I saw a picture of me and Kayla , my best friend, from our last day of the eighth grade. Her tall frame contrasted with my short frame. She had fair skin and the longest eye lashes in have ever seen. She had long, pin straight blonde hair that almost reached her butt.She was pretty, no doubt. I looked like a nobody right next to her. My black curly hair only covers my shoulders and dark skin. Not to mention my boring dark brown eyes. I could only imagine how pretty she must've gotten over the past two years. Thinking about it was damaging my self esteem, so I decided to start unpacking my clothes.

I was half way through unpacking when I heard the doorbell ring. I heard my mom's heavy footsteps as she walked to open the door. My mom opened the door and a feminine voice greeted her loudly.

"Hi! How are you?" I heard the female voice say. "Is Xena here yet?"

I frowned, and set the shirt I was folding down on my bed. I walked to downstairs to check and gasped in horror when I saw who was standing in my very own doorway.

It was the one and only Kayla-my old best friend. She gasped when she saw me and she broke into a huge smile.

"Xena!" Kayla ran past my mother and tackled me in a bear hug. I was too shocked to even comprehend what was going on, but I managed to awkwardly put my arms around her. She pulled away and smiled at me. "My God! It's been so long!"

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