Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
*Bruno's POV*

Let me tell you, I haven't felt this great in my whole sixteen years of existence. I felt relieved and giddy all at the same time. Xena let me walk her home despite her protests.

"You have no shoes!" Xena argues. "What if you step on something sharp and get tetnus? Or aids?"

"Xena," I laugh. "How can I get aids from walking barefoot?"

"You can step on a used needle from someone who has aids." Xena shoots back, but I wrap an arm around her as we walk and roll my eyes.

"I can live with that." I whisper into her hair, but she scoffs.

"You can live with possibly never having sex again?" She raises an eyebrow at me. The smile drops from my face and my eyes widened with realization. Xena giggles at my reaction.

"Okay, I take that last part back." I say quickly, and Xena continues to giggle. I grin at how cute she is and pull her closer, pressing my lip against the side of her forehead. In return, she wraps her arms around me from the side. We continue to walk in silence, hearing nothing but the soft chirps of crickets. The atmosphere was relaxed and I didn't think this scene could've gotten any better. Then Xena spoke the one thought that has been on my mind since I first laid eyes on her.

"Do you think Kayla would be cool with us being a thing?" She ask, worry clearly evident in her voice. I blink and look to Xena, whose chewing on her bottom lip. "Well?"

"I thought of that earlier." I speak slowly and thoughtfully. "I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind if you asked her first. She'd be fine with you being my girl and all."

"But I didn't ask her first."

"She won't mind as much. It'll probably just weird her out, but she'll get used to it."

"Are you sure?" Xena worries even further. "I mean, I don't wanna jeopardize our relationship."

I stay quiet for a minute, not knowing how to reassure Xena. I knew for a fact Kayla was gonna be upset, but the least I could do was take the blame.

"I'll talk to her-we'll both talk to her. Smooth things out and try to make her understand." I tell her. Xena doesn't argue back, she keeps quiet and nods.


We arrived at her house and I walk her to the front door. She pulls out a key from the pocket of her cardigan and opens the door. Xena turns to me with a sweet smile. The type of smile that made me want to spend my whole life trying to write a song as beautiful as she was.

"Good night, Peter." Xena whispers clearly. She grazes my cheeks with the back of her hand before brushing her thumb along my jawline. Smiling, I close my eyes and can't help to think how dreamy she was.

"Goodnight." I murmur, my eyes flutter open to see her still smiling so perfectly. She drops her hand from my face and I turn to walk down the porch.

"Peter." I hear her say and I turn around to face her. She kisses me softly before pulling away. "Thanks."

"For what?"

"For being here."

"I think you're thanking the wrong person. You should probably thank my mom for that." I say half-jokingly, causing Xena to snicker.

"Don't make me laugh, please." She begs, trying to stifle a laugh. "My mom will hear."

"You're call, doll." I grin at her. "See ya."


The door closes behind her and I turn to walk down the porch.

I'm walking down the street, grinning like a fool. The girl of my dreams was mine, and I was hers.

Any Three Questions (a Bruno Mars Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now