Chapter 11

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*Xena's POV*

I already had suspected that Trevor was the intruder and I felt guilty. Really guilty. Filthy, even, for at least telling Bruno what was going on. He wouldn't even have been in this mess if it weren't for me. I was being selfish. The only reason why I didn't want to tell Bruno was because I was afraid Trevor would find out and do harm to me. Bruno only stayed in the hospital for a matter of three hours only. The doctor had said his wound wasn't life threatening, but had needed im immediate attention-which probably meant that Bruno was overreacting from either the shock of the situation or his pain threshold was low.

So while I had waited in the wait room, the police came and begin to question me. To be frank, I was heavily agitated with the police as they shot at me with questions.

"What's your name?" One of the two cops had asked. He was a tall man and seemed pretty buff, so I made myself a mental note to say anything that would upset him.

"Xena Levesque, sir." I stated monotonously.

"Hm, and how old are you?"

"Sixteen, sir."

"And why didn't you just call the paramedics instead of driving here yourself?"

"The power was out in my neighborhood, so none my phones worked."

"And how are you related to the victim?"

"We're just friends."

"How old are you?"

"You already asked me that."

"I can ask again." The cop huffed indignantly.

"Look, there was a break in my house and the intruder attacked my friend." I tell them, trying to mask the aggravation in my voice. "Shouldn't you guys be at my house investigating the crime scene?"

To my complete surprise, the cops began to laugh. I stared at both of them, feeling a twinge annoyed and offended. "What, if I may ask, do you find so amusing, officer."

"We have break ins around here all the time." The cop chuckled.

"So what? Murders happen all the time as well. Does that give you the right to undermine the severity of every murder case you get?" I shot back. "What are you gonna do?"

"We're gonna arrest you."

"Wha-?" I can't even form the word. I looked back from one officer to the other to see if they were joking, but judging from the expression on their face, they didn't really look like they were joking.

"Well, Tina-"

"Xena!" I snap.

"This all sounds strange. I mean, you're friend got stabbed by an 'intruder' who just somehow managed to flee the scene and you don't call the cops?"

"I told you there was a power outage!" I almost yelled angrily, but I stop myself and collect my composure. Then, in a calm voice, I stated, "You know what, how about you guys ask Bruno for yourself. He's the victim, and he'll tell you."

Cops were literally a pain in the ass. The tall cop smiled to the other fatter cop.

"You know what? That's a great idea." He said in the most condescending tone ever. I wanted to slap that smirk off his face, but I didn't want to be arrested for aggravated battery. "I'm gonna ask the doctor if Bruno is awake, but until then, you're under arrest."

I sucked on my teeth and just glared at the tall cop, while the other cop came behind me holding handcuffs. "Fine." I say as calmly as possible. "But when Bruno tells you I didn't do it, you're gonna have to let me go."

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