Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
*Xena's POV*

Bruno and I had spent the next few hours talking and joking. He was so funny and charming. I loved the way his eyes lit up when he was talking about singing and the way he his dimples pressed into his cheeks when he smiled. His dimples were the best. I could tell immediately that Bruno was a smooth talker and he knew exactly what to say. He was flirt, no doubt, but he was genuine and I appreciated that the most. He had a sailor mouth, which was fine with me because him cursing was one of the hottest things ever.

When it was time to leave, Bruno and I walked to the car and put his guitar in the trunk. Ethan, Chloe, Kayla, and Trevor caught up to us. Trevor threw me a smirk but I looked away.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Kayla smiles coyly up at Trevor, lacing her fingers with his. They grin at each other, and for a second, I see romantic side of Trevor. Maybe he did actually like Kayla. Maybe he was actually nice to her and he bought her presents and loved to take her out. I tried to see him as a regular human being, but all I could see was him shoving his tongue down my throat forcefully. The image made me shudder. Bruno must've saw, because I comes up behind me puts his hands on my arms and begins to massage my arms. I flinch at first, but then I quickly relax. My whole body begins to tingle at his touch, but I feel somewhat safer. His hands feel like paradise against my skin. I couldn't even describe it-his hands weren't big, but they felt thick.

"You alright?" He whispers into my ear, still massaging my arms from behind. "Are you cold?"

"Yeah, a little." I lie, and I felt a little bad for a lying to him. I hated lying to anyone, but what else could I say? Every time I told a lie regarding the Trevor incident, I felt anxious. In the back of mind, I knew one day all the lies were gonna catch up to me and the whole thing was gonna blow up in my face. Bruno gently places a hand on my back, and steers me to the car.

"We're going to the car." Bruno tells Ethan and Chloe over his shoulder.

"We're coming right now." Ethan replies, he grins at Trevor. "Bye, drive safe."

"You too." Trevor grins. "Goodbye Xena! Hope to see you soon some other time!"

Bruno looked back at Trevor with a murderous glare, but Trevor just continued to smile.

I didn't know whether to feel irritated or scared, but I knew I wanted him to leave me alone. Trevor was playing with me for the heck of it. He knew I was still somewhat terrified of him. Bruno opened the car door for me and I stepped in. He climbed in after and sat down next to me. Kayla stepped in as Chloe and Ethan opened their doors.

It was a long, silent ride back to Kayla's home. The atmosphere felt pretty tense and everyone looked serious for some odd reason. Except Bruno, who periodically would look to me with that dimpled grin of his and a upbeat look in his eyes. He'd lean in real close and whisper if I was alright. I'd nod and smile back at him. At one point Bruno kept making funny faces at me. My giggle broke the silence and everyone turned to me.

"Sorry." I murmured, looking down at my lap. "I remembered something funny."

Bruno bit back laughter, as everyone turned away. I glared up at him accusingly, and he bit on his fist to keep from laughing. He looked so darn adorable, it was not even fair.

When Ethan finally pulled up in Kayla's drive way, we all piled out. Kayla turned to me.

"Do you think you can spend the night?" She asks, but I shake my head. I didn't want to go the Kayla's house anymore, or spend the night. Why? Because every time I am in the vicinity of Kayla, Trevor appears. It was irritating. I was still pretty upset that Kayla lied to me about Trevor coming. I wish she'd just understand that I didn't want anything to do with that creep.

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