Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
*Xena's POV*

The moment I got home, I dashed upstairs to my room. Trevor and his dad were still at my house, talking to my mom, but I didn't care anymore. After talking with Bruno, I felt more brave and calm. I was convinced nothing was gonna happen to me. If I just lay low and do what Trevor told me, I'd make it out alive.

When I got to my room, I shut the door behind me and went immediately to my cassette deck on my bedside table. I set Bruno's picture down and put the mix tape in. I was itching to listen to it since the moment he gave it to me. There was nothing written on the mixtape, so I couldn't tell what song it was. I pressed play and sat down on the floor.

The music began to play and I couldn't help to notice it sounded a lot like calypso.

Hey, where did we go
Days when the rains came?
Down in the hollow
Playing a new game,
Laughing and a-running, hey, hey,
Skipping and a-jumping
In the misty morning fog with
Our, our hearts a-thumping
And you, my brown-eyed girl,
You, my brown-eyed girl.

My eyed widen at the last two lines and I felt my heart race. I felt overcome by giddiness and I brought my knees up to my chest, smiling so hard. I thought of how he walked me back to my house the day we went to the beach and how he lifted my chin with so much tenderness that all I could think about was him for the next eighteen hours. I thought of how he stood up for me when Trevor was bothering me, and I knew Bruno would stand up for me again. I thought of all the times he's noticed how anxious I was even when my own best friend couldn't and how he comforted me. I thought of how he held my face just an hour ago, and promised he'd make all my problems go away. I thought of every intimate moment we have ever shared in the last week of knowing each other and thought hit me with such force, I felt dizzy.

Does he like me? I mean, could he? All the signs point at it. Or is he just being nice? I didn't wanna misinterpret the signs and seem stupid.

Didn't he date Kayla? I couldn't date him now without Kayla kicking my ass. I couldn't date her ex-boyfriend, it's girl code. Maybe if I asked her politely? Because I honestly couldn't go any longer like this. I wanted him so bad, it hurt. Just thinking of how he was unattainable sent a dull pang through my chest. I slowly let myself lay down on the floor and continued to listen to the rest of the song.

No I didn't like him. This feeling was way more stronger than the average puppy love. It made me frustrated, but it was exhilarating. Thinking of him made me stressed, but seeing him made me calm.

It was foreign to me.

When the song finished, I sat up and took the chord phone on my bedside table. I dialed Peter's number and held the phone up to my ear before lying back down. The dial tone rang and I played with the chord with my finger.

"Hello?" Peter's voice speaks and I feel a warm feeling spread from my chest.

"Hey, Peter? It's me, Xena." I say, and I hear him give a small chuckle. "I listened to the tape, and I like it- a lot."

Peter laughs out loud, and only then I had I realized his laugh was the most beautiful thing to ever grace my ears. "I knew you'd like it. It was my dad's. He played it for my mom when they were young."

I feel my heart hammer against my chest. A smile starts to spread on my face, and I try to suppress it by biting my lower lip.

"Of course, that song won my mom over and they got married." He continues. I feel special to him, like I actually matter and he enjoyed me.

"I could see why." I answer softly, rolling over on my side. "The song was really sweet, I loved it Peter."

"You have no idea how happy I am to hear that." Peter breathes. I close my eyes and continue to play with the phone chord. "Xena?"

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