Chapter 10 - The New Year's Tournament

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You were sleeping peacefully when Nico suddenly interrupted your sleep.

"(Y/N)!!! HELP ME!!!" Nico hid behind you "What is it?" You asked him as you look in front and saw Uno glaring at him with excitement and grinning.

"Nico ,time for the punishment" Uno said ,holding the card as Nico was trembling behind you.

"Seriously what happened?" You asked again looking at Uno "Hehe ,I played card with Nico .If who'll lose will have a punishment"

"And what kind of punishment?" Uno grinned looking at you "Hehehe ,you'll see" he said as he dash towards Nico hiding at my back and grabbed his orange suit and started tickling his sides as he laughs and also you.

"SHUT UP!!" Jyugo woke up because of you're noise " I CAN'T SLEEP!!"

"Ahahah sorry Jyugo ,we were having fun here" You said smiling. You heard Jyugo said "Tch ,fine" as he go back to sleep. Then suddenly Hajime opened the door. Nanba Prison conducts a morning assembly that includes the inmates in new year's.

"Wake up ,brats. It's time for morning assembly, get out NOW!" Hajime commanded. Starring at all of you.

"We can't it's too cold" All of you said "DO YOU WANNA GET BEATEN ON THE FIRST DAY OF THE NEW YEAR?!" Hajime shouted as he tried to wake Jyugo and Rock that are still laying on their futon. While you were sitting beside Uno and Nico.

"JUST GET UP NOW!!" Hajime grabbed the futon and sent it flying "GYAAAHH!!" Jyugo and Rock woke up.

You guy's went to the outside with the other inmates as you gathered in the big and wide ground (sorry I don't know what does it called) for the New Year's Morning Assembly. You heard the loud speaker said "We'll begin our new year morning assembly. Inmates please follow orders of the officers in charge of you're building"

You heard Jyugo yawn and and Rock rolled his eyes as you can see their eye bags.

"We would like to start with new year's greeting from the warden please" The loud speaker said as you looked up to see the warden's face.

"The warden?" Jyugo said looking up. "I've never seen him before" Uno added.

"Happy new year's gentlemen. I wish you all a very good new year" The warden said ,looking down at all of the inmates and officers .You were in a great shock ,the same as your cellmates.

She has a voluptuous figure with red eyes, long eyelashes and has long spiky blue hair which reaches down to her legs, with two prominent strands of her hair protruding like horns.

She wears a burgundy suit with her nameplate on her left breast, with her arm band spelling out "Warden", and a red tie. At the top of her tie is a gold medallion with the kanji for 100 (百 Hyaku)on it as well as two gold bars on her collar.

On each of her shoulders are two gold spikes. She wears white gloves with red hearts surrounded by gold on them. She also wears a black belt around her waist with a half demon like face in gold with spikes and wears knee high black boots that are adorned with 6 silver stripes each with hearts surrounded by gold which slowly increases in size as they go up, with the last hearts on top of the boots having gold spikes sticking out of them. Both boots have gold decoration at the top and bottom.


"HEY HEY WHAT'S HER NAME!?~" Nico asked

"I DIDN'T KNOW IT EITHER ,I WANNA SEE HER UP CLOSE!?" Uno was also yelling while blushing as they keep squealing at Hajime.

Rock was just standing and blushing as he was staring at her "B....Beautiful..."

Hajime was pissed and said "QUIET"

You were beside Rock as you were also staring at the warden "Momoko Hyakushiki?" You said and surprised because your childhood friend was the warden of Nanba prison. You remember her exactly because you were so close back then.

Back when you were in elementary school Momoko got bullied so you were always by her side and comforting her whenever she cries. Momoko though was older than you in years. You almost beat the boys to death because they were insulting your friend even if they're bigger than you. You were quite strong even though your in grade 6 .But when you graduated in elementary school and Momoko in high school ,she transferred into different school ,far away from your place. And that was the last time you've saw her.

The warden started to speak "Let's get down to business. To celebrate the new year ,we will be holding the Nanba's traditional event"

"Traditional...Event" You questioned as you glance towards Hajime ,you saw his face were serious. "Here it comes" He thought.


"What's a new year's 'TOURNAMENT'...?" Jyugo asked.

"I've heard of the new year's party but....."Rock added.

"It's finally here" Hajime said as Seitatou replied "Yes" "It's going to be painstaking this year too" Hajime added.

"Yokazura explain it to them" Momoko said to the other officer as he replied "Yes, Ma'am" .He walks and halt as he stood in front as he explained. "First let me introduce the participants...For this new year's tournament from each building"

He has short white hair and a long ponytail which turns pink at the end and is curled tightly. He has long white eyelashes and cherry blossom pink eyes. He wears the standard guard uniform with slight modifications. He dons on a pink haori with sakura patterns and the emblem on his hat is sakura blossom. He also wears the standards white gloves and a red armband which has the number four on it to represent the building he is in charge of.

"Participants?...Yo, what's all this about Hajime?" Jyugo asked, Hajime looked at him and explained "This tournament is the biggest event of year.This is the only day that inmates and officers cooperate. In other words this is... Nanba's New Year's United as One Tournament"

"Cooperate!?" You asked ,confused.

"That's because. A prize is given to the entire building that wins the tournament, including the guards working here" Seitarou exclaimed with his smiling face.


"In our case,we get a bonus this month. In you're case. Every one of you can have anything you want, one item per person" Yamato said.

"Though money and dangerous items like weapons are not allowed" Seitarou added as all of you thought "WHAAAT"

"I guess most inmates request furniture , like sofas and cushions" Yamato said.

"Last year's new year requested bed" Seitarou said "Some guy requested clothes as well.....yukata and coats"

You guy's started to tremble wanting to join "HAJIME LET US PARTICIPATE!!" All of you said as the same time. "HUH WHAT'S THIS ALL OF A SUDDEN!?"


'OH CRAP!! I SHOULDN'T HAVE TOLD THEM' Hajime said to his mind.

"Idiots ,the higher ups decide who gets to participate. We can't do anything about it" Hajime said looking at all of you.

"Besides, there are lots of inmates and cells in building 13. There's only a slim chance your cell 13 will be selected" Seitarou said when suddenly "Next ,Building 13 will be represented by cell 13"

'WHY DID WE EXPECT ANYTHING DIFFERENT!!!' Hajime and Seitarou shouted in their mind.


A/N: Sorry again if they are mistakes/error in this chapter ...................oh and by the way I drew reader-chan and Jyugo in the picture :) Hope you like it.

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