Chapter 20 - The Real Monster

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A/N: Ok! I am back ,wew it's been long time that I haven't been updating this story.

After I finish this story ,I will re-edit this to correct my mistakes from the previous chapters.

You can tell me if there is an error at this chapter so I could fix it. I hope you forgive me for my mistakes, i'm not really good at English.

by the way enjoy the story.


The bald one 'that looks like Saitama', was inside at the huge building called 'Headquarters' .The drag queen and the monkey entered at the headquarters ,in case of finding Hajime. Luckily ,they saw him seating inside while smoking at the smoking room "YOU IDIOT!!" Samon suddenly yelled at the bald officer.

"W-what?" Hajime stuttered while seating, confused of why the hell did the monkey yelled at him, but then he realized of what was the reason for Samon to get so angry at him.

"THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING!!?" Samon continued scolding, "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO APPREHEND HIM, NOT BEAT HIM HALF TO DEATH!!" Hajime wanted to cover his ears because he was irritated of his voice, but since it's his fault, he didn't. Samon pointed his index finger towards the bald one "YOUR A GUARD AND WE HAD TO HOLD YOU DOWN!! DAMN YOU!"

"You just increased our workload.", Kiji added and only sighed ,but you can see how angry he is.

Hajime felt guilty of what he did, he turns his head away while smoking, avoiding an eye contact between the two officers "I just hit him a little. You guys are overreacting." That is the only excuse that he said.

" 'Little' MEANS BEATING SOMEONE HALF TO DEATH?!", Samon half screamed because of his excuse. "You beat no. 15 with your full force that time. Just how many bones did you break?" ,Samon gave him a bad look as he said it in a sarcastic tone.

"You even hit his face four or five times.", Kiji scowled as he complained ,also in a sarcastic tone.

Without a warning, Kenshirou was suddenly beside Kiji & Samon and joins the rant, "Several blows at the abdomen and a few other areas, not what I'd call a 'Little'. He's still unconscious and in critical condition", Kenshirou said ,making Hajime to feel even more guilty.

"Aw~, don't pick on Hajime. He's always been a 'Shoot first and ask questions later' type guy~." ,Mitsuru suddenly appeared as Hajime sulks behind him.

Kiji stared at Mitsuru ,half-angry, "Speaking of which, Tsuru, I didn't see you there during all the chaos. Your always quick when it comes to running away."

"Oh no you didn't! I was working too, Ms. Attitude!" Mitsuru sulk as he tried to make a cute voice, but failed.

"Stop mocking me, or i'll hit you"

"You know the tournament was broadcasting in all the buildings, right? The warden ordered me not to broadcast no. 15 nad no. 634." He explained, "I was taking care of that the whole time. Thanks to me ,the inmates don't know a thing" he said, praising himself.

"But it was a huge commotion. Maybe some inmates wondered about the sounds or the ground shaking" Kiji asked.

"Don't worry I took care all of that, too~." Mitsuru cheerfully said. "I announced that those four stupid guards are fighting again. The inmates looked convince" He added ,making the three officers pissed, but only Kenshirou has the calmed face, not caring about what Mitsuru said, "DAMN YOU!!" The three guards screamed at him at the same time.

Kiji only sighed and looked towards Hajime, "But the tournament was a mess because of you. You'd better take responsibility"

"Huh? Why just me?" Hajime tilted his head, not knowing that the drag queen officer is already pissed at him, "SHUT IT!! YOU MADE THE WHOLE ATMOSPHERE MISERABLE BECAUSE YOU WENT BERSERK ON YOUR INMATE!!" He continuously rant, "DO YOU THINK PEOPLE CAN EAT WHILE LOOKING AT YOUR FACE DRIPPING AT THE BLOOD OF THE VICTIM YOU NEARLY BEAT TO DEATH!?"

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