Chapter 18 - Revenge

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In some cases ,the only remaining parts of the burnt body were the feet.

Some died with only the lower half of their body intact.

Many theories have been offered to explain this phenomenon.

Plasma ignition theory, the wick effect, pyrophoric chemicals in the genes, etc..

But the truth is still unknown.

I will not forgive him ,who he found the freedom.

..and tampered with my structure.

I cannot forgive that man.

I'm broken because of him.

It's all his fault

Jyugo slash his sword towards Musashi as it creates a huge crack on the floor but he quickly dodge his attack. Jyugo's attack almost hit the three of you as you guy's fell down to the battle area.

Rock and you landed both of your feet as Uno's head landed first to the floor "OW!" .

"Whoa, whoa, is this for real?..Is that Jyugo" Uno asked as he stares at Jyugo ,grinding his teeth, and glaring. This is the first time you saw Jyugo lost his control.

'Jyugo's shackles have mutated?!' You thought to yourself while looking at him.

You suddenly heard the warden "APPREHEND THOSE TWO!" She commanded ,the two officers quickly followed her orders as they charge towards them. "THERE'S NO RHYME OR REASON TO THEIR POWERS. CAPTURE THEM AND REVEAL THEIR TRUE IDENTITIES-"

"Jeez" Musashi interrupted the warden "I really don't want any interruptions" .His hands begin to spark again "I'm being serious right now". He is now charging for his another attack "I'll provide all the data you want" He said as he blasted a fire towards Inu and Hajime but they dodge his attack.

"As expected from nanba guards, not bad at all" Musashi smirked, impressed of the two officers. Jyugo suddenly attack Musashi from behind and slashed his sword but Musashi quickly dodge it, making him to lower his body.

Jyugo's attack was so strong ,making the wall to crack. Not just a simple crack but a huge crack. You just stared on him, confused on what's happening.

"TELL ME ABOUT THAT MAN. OR DO YOU WANNA YOU LOST YOUR ARM LIKE YOU LOST YOUR EYES!" Jyugo creepily said to Musashi, like he was really going to kill him.

"I won't make the same mistake again. I won't lose anything else" Musashi mumbled ,but suddenly he went insane after remembering the past ,when Jyugo slashed his sword at Musashi's eyes, making him blind. "JYUGO!! ONE DAY, THAT SHACKLE....WILL BE MINE!" A huge fire was whirling around him, making the both officer to not come closer to him.

"Such intense heat! We can't get any closer!" Inu said, using his arm to cover his face.

"Jeez..What a pain" Hajime said ,bored.

You wanted to aid them but you can't use your powers because Hajime ,Inu and the warden are here who looks much more stronger than you. You can't help it but fidget, wanting to smack Jyugo in the face.

The area you were on was completely destroyed because of Jyugo's ruckus and lost of control. He keeps attacking Musashi as Musashi keeps blocking them and dodging it.

Inu slashed his whip at Musashi as he dodge again. "THAT'S ENOUGH, NO, 634!! ARE YOU TRYING TO COMMIT MORE CRIMES IN HERE?!" Inu yelled "YOUR PUNISHMENT WILL BE MORE SOLITARY CONFINEMENT! IF YOU RETALIATE YOU'LL-" Inu can't finish his sentence because Musashi cut him off.

"Oh yes, yes" He created another fireball "You should say that after you capture me Inu-chan". He then blasted the fireball towards them as it created an explosion "I'm afraid I have no interest in weaklings"

"There's no one in our way now" He faced Jyugo who keeps glaring at him "The only thing left is to take that from you"

"OH MAN! FLAMES FLYING AND RUBBLE FALLING!! THIS IS SCARY!" Uno cried out as he hides behind you ,he was making you his shield. "ARE HAJIME AND THE OTHERS ALRIGHT? WASN'T THAT A DIRECT HIT?" You exclaimed as the flames and smoke keeps dancing at the battle area.

"Weaklings ,you say?" The warden snapped "Don't insult us brat". Momoko glared at him as another two officers appeared behind him.

"Your here in nanba prison. Your going up against the most terrifying guards in the toughest prison"

Then another voice said "Don't lump them in with opponent's you've fought before."


"This is why I can't stand impulsive people" You heard Kiji and the monkey said. They shielded Hajime and Inu from Musahi's attack.

"If words can't convince you let us show you firsthand"



A/N: Okay another chapter ,sorry again for mistakes. If you seen one please tell me so I could edit it out.

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