I pulled up to the house and it was like everybody knew I was coming because they were all sitting outside waiting for me. When I climbed out of the car troy slowly walked towards me followed by amos, my dad, my brother and the guys. It was like they were walking on eggshells
“you don’t have to be so afraid of me” jake and shawn got big grins on their faces as they tackled me to the ground in a big hug. I was pulled back up only to be tackled again only this time it was my babies and I couldn’t hold back the tears
“we missed you mommy” I kissed all three of them
“mommy missed you guys too” amy pulled back and looked confused
“where did you go and why couldn’t I go?” I smiled and wiped the tears away
“because mommy had to do this by herself and it was too dangerous for you guys” for the next few hours gabby and gabe wouldn’t let me put them down and amy was at my side the whole time until they finally fell asleep.
I laid them down then walked into my room where troy was, I felt nervous and guilty because of the way I treated him
“troy?” he looked up at me and shook his head
“don’t say it, babe. I deserved everything you said” I shook my head
“no you didn’t, I was wrong to stab myself in front of amy” he patted the spot next to him so I sat down
“babe, amy told me why you did it and I was just really pissed at the time, I shouldn’t have called you a bad mom” I nodded my head and sniffled while wiping away more tears
“im sorry for saying I don’t trust you, I really do. I don’t know why I said that I don’t but I really do. I trust you more than I trust myself” he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me gently until jake came in coughing
“enough with the lovey dovey sentimental shit” before I could do it my aunt messi slapped him in the back of the head
“leave my baby girl alone” he pouted and slouched off as me and troy started laughing
“I would let you get back to your love but its time” I sighed and nodded my head
“ok, lets go” troy grabbed my hand as we walked out to the back yard and I sat in the middle with my legs crossed
“everybody needs to back up” everybody took 5 big steps back as I looked up at the sky but I looked back down when everybody gasped
“what?” they started pointing behind me so I turned around and found my spirit guide
“its ok guys, shes my guide” she licked my face and sat in front of me with her back to everybody else
“get ready, you have 2 minutes to go over whats going to happen” I nodded my head and she looked up at the sky so I followed her vision. The moon was starting to get shadowed by a blood red fog
“when the moon is fully covered, the final transformation will start. Remember to keep the rage under control and don’t let it consume you” I nodded my head but I heard a branch snap behind me that had everybody looking back to the trees and I got a wide smile on my face
“I didn’t think you were coming” I heard her laughing before she came into view
“I wouldn’t leave my little girl to handle this alone” she hugged me and looked at my dad and brother who were just staring at her shocked and confused
“does your mom not get a hug?” Leland got a huge smile as he ran into her arms
“I missed you so much mom” she smiled and kissed his cheek