Eleven ☆

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I put some make-up so he will never saw my eye bags and didn't notice that I am hard to sleep every night.

"Because of you, I can't sleep well. Because of you, Jimin." I said while looking at the whole venue.

Thousands of people came here to saw their idols. But I? I only came because I miss my boyfriend. Ah, I still don't know if our relation is still exist. Yeah.

"You're next, miss." The staff said. Ah, I didn't notice that I am next. Tsk!

But I am still statue in my place. I don't know what to do. I still have the fear to face him.


It's him. I literally know his voice.

I slowly walk towards him but I am still looking down so he still didn't saw my face. And I use my handkerchief too so he will never notice me.

"You look sick." After he sign my album he look me like he notice me. "Someone said, don't hide you face because our looks is just like treasure."

I look him but I still avoid eye contact.

"I know, no one understand that. Even me, only her can understand that." Then he laugh. I smile to because I am the one who tell that to him. I thought he understand that.

When I look at his eyes, he suddenly became statue. What?

"The handkerchief." He said and his voice is a little bit shaky.

At the moment I only feel a tear falling.

He slowly pull the handkerchief that I am holding and when he saw me, a tear fall from his eyes.

"Yoonha..." He said and he got my hands and hold it and we're same crying silently.

The staff told me to move which is Jungkook but Jimin tell the staff to give us time to talk for a moment.

If you only know how you really make me so miserable. If you only know Jimin. It feels like you are making me broken. Sometimes, I'm just thinking that I didn't recommend you to enters showbiz. But I think, this is your true destiny.


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