Twelve ☆

370 10 0

We didn't talk. We're just crying while holding each others hands.

I look around outside the venue. It's already afternoon.

"The sun is almost down."

Someone said that so I look for someone who said that.

"Yoongi?" I ask. He is standing beside me.

"Ah, ah." And he shook his head. "Call me Suga."

So I only nodded after him.

Silence came up. He is still standing beside me and we're same looking to the sky. And that was almost a twenty minutes.

"Tsk! C'mon." He said and he suddenly pulled me and take me to his car.


"Peaceful place." He only said.

After that, we arrived to his place saying 'peaceful place'. And he is right. This is a peaceful place. We're in a large park beside the river.

He tap the ground besides him. "Sit here."

I sat to that place. "Why are you doing this?"

"I only want to feel peace with you." He said.

"You're not a man of a few words but—"

He show me a can of beer in my front. "You've never call me since I give you my number. So let's talk today."

He is a man of few words maybe but I think, he is the one who I need for now. A person who I wanted to tell my feelings. My hard feelings.


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