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Saturday – 9:01 AM

I awoke with the sudden urge to pee and sat straight up in bed, forgetting for a second where I was. I got up, put on my slippers, and walked forward. Opening the door on the right, I exhaled and shook my head because it was the closet. Opening the door on the left, I did my business. I then decided to take a shower and brush my teeth. An hour had passed, so I played Spotify on shuffle from the playlist "Chill".


11:25 AM

I wore floral leggings, a green oversized shirt that covered my butt, a maroon scarf, and light brown ankle boots. My hair was straightened, and I wore light eyeshadow with mascara, nude lipstick, and contour. I took an "OOTD" photo and posted it to Snapchat. I left my room and walked down the hallway, stopping at the door on the right and knocking on it.

"Savannah?" I called. There was no answer, so I opened the door slowly to reveal Savannah getting ready.

"Tell me more, tell me more, was it love at first sight?" she sang.

I sat on her bed as she put on her makeup. She had already changed and her hair was curled at the end. She wore a gray shirt with zodiac symbols of some sort, a navy blue and white plaid long sleeve tied around her waist, ripped jeans, and nude ankle boots like mine. The only makeup she had left to do was her eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick.

I took out my phone and began recording myself as I sang with Savannah. Over the years, I had broken out of my shell. I wasn't afraid to sing in front of people despite of whether they thought I was good or not. My subscribers, a.k.a. flowers, had helped me with that. They supported me so much that it boosted my confidence.

The song came to an end and I asked her what time she woke up. She had woken up about twenty minutes after me. We then spoke about what stores to visit for what things, and what video were we going to record today. The video we decided to do was a "Q & A", so we both sent out tweets on our separate channel and put at the end #AskDannah. I then turned off my notifications for twitter, and walked back into my room to grab my purse. Downstairs, I grabbed an apple and my water where Savannah walked behind me.


3:45 PM

We had found so many new and interesting stores throughout our journey in this new city. Savannah was excited to have found several arts & crafts stores but was a little sad that she couldn't buy most of the things because she said she was shopping solely for the things she absolutely needed, and not the things she wanted. Plus, it had been a couple of months since she had done anything DIY related or drawing.

"Daisy?" a voice called as I was looking at the clothes.

Savannah was off looking at the school supplies while I checked out the furniture, so I figured she had arrived, but the voice sounded different. As I turned around, the few people before me gasped. This is something that I hadn't quite gotten used to since we didn't do things like have tours, meet and greets.

"Hi." I waved, smiling.

One of the girls screamed which only made me chuckle.

"I apologize, I'm just so nervous and excited that it's you." She spoke, cheeks pink.

"Don't apologize, it's all good." I leaned forward and hugged her.

"Would you mind taking photos with us?" the taller one asked.

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