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I had told Savannah everything that had happened as we were packing and after Kian left. Apparently she thought we had sex, but we didn't. I had just drunkenly admitted my crush on him. All we had done was cuddle together, nothing else. In the morning, I told her how Kian had confronted me in asking if it were true, to which he said he liked me as well. We spoke all morning, and were going to talk more during breakfast, but Savannah cock-blocked. She asked why Kian was calling me pet names, and I told her that he just started to out of comfort-ability.

Savannah then began to tell me about what happened with her. We were now entering the airplane and took our seats. We began talking about when JC and Kian would go to our place, and she then told me that she thinks she invited Caspar and Joe as well.

"What if they all come at the same time?" Savannah asked, the plane now taking off.

"I think it'll be fine, we'd just have to stock up on food and make them pitch in if we order out, I suppose." I replied.

We arrived home around 7 at night, but it was still a bit sunny out. I had forgotten to vlog us arriving, but figured I would end it with us in the airplane. I was going to upload the vlog tomorrow, so I had to edit at least half of it tonight, and the rest later. I took a bath, not washing my hair since I had washed it before we left the hotel. After the bath, I changed into the most comfortable pajamas I had, and drank some coffee.


Monday – 9:24 AM

I woke up completely exhausted, but still received enough sleep. It was that kind of tired that you get because you slept too much. The first thing I did was upload the vlog from Vidcon. It was a total of 25 minutes, and most of the YouTubers had actually uploaded the day it all happened. I didn't because it wasn't my uploading day and I knew it would take forever to upload. My phone began buzzing and I saw the caller ID.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, what are you guys up to?" he asked.

I sighed, "I'm uploading, just woke up. I think Savannah is showering."

"Oh. Well, we're heading towards the airport to go to your casa already. Cool?" JC informed me.

"Yeah, cool." I replied. "Around what time will you get here?" I asked.

"Probably around 5 or 6, I'll call you when we're near landing." He spoke.

I could hear Kian in the background saying for him to hurry up. "Just let me know like an hour ahead because I think the airport is about half an hour away. I'll see you later, bye!"

I hung up the phone after he said bye, and then decided to take a shower myself as my video uploaded. Two hours later, Savannah and I were grocery shopping for extra food since we didn't have much. In our cart we had items to make sandwiches, microwavable food, burger patties and buns, chips, fruit, and just enough items. We figured we could have a late night cook out one night, and there were veggie burger patties just for me.

"Is there anything else we need for the house?" I asked, as we strolled around the store.

"We need toilet paper, napkins, and paper plates." She told.

We walked towards that isle, and found the things we needed. After paying for everything, splitting the cost, we then went to a water mill next door to get more gallons of water. As we got home, I decided to work on more uploading days since I had only planned for the rest of this week.

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