Chapter 7 - Kaelyn

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I tried to move my legs and I then felt something scratching my whole leg. "What the f-" I then heard a voice say and then I heard a door, probably the front door closing. "Alice, are you here too?" I mumbled with my head still in the bush and both of my legs sticking out now. "What is this?" I heard a male voice saying. "Alice!" I screamed as some warm hands touched my leg. Oh yeah, of course. Whenever Alice fell asleep the bitch was asleep and you could try anything but she kept sleeping. Especially when she was drunk the night before, sometimes I wonder if she was in coma. "It's okay. I'm trying to get you out of here," the same voice said again. "I feel comfortable here. Please don't touch me I'm scared," I replied while facing my head towards the green leafs. "Please don't be scared, I'm trying to help you. I don't want to hurt you," the voice said again. "Okay, please help me out of here then but be careful I have a hangover and I need to puke." I replied. "I won't, but protect your head when I pull you out okay?" he said and he then start pulling on my leg. "Almost there," he said and he grabbed me by my waist. "Thanks," I said when I stood on my legs. Not even a second later I ran towards a well and puked all over the concrete and the iron. "Are you okay?" the voice of the boy said again. "Yeah, I think so I said while wiping off my mouth on his shirt. "Thanks," I said and looked up. "Gross," he mumbled. "What is your name?" - "Ashton, yours?" "Kaelyn the Princess," I say and smile proud. "Well hello Kaelyn the Princess," he says and lets out a giggle. "Why is that piece of shit still a sleep," I sigh when I pushed Ashton to the side of me so I could see Alice. "I have no clue. Is that your friend?" he asks and he walks up to her. "Yes, she is." I mumble but he probably couldn't hear me saying that he was at least a proper five meters away from me. "Alice wake the fuck up," I scream in her right ear and she sat up right away what caused our heads to knock against each other. I fell backwards and I heard Alice saying a few curse words. "Watch your god damn fucking language you shit bitch," I say and rub my hand over my forhead. "Why did you wake-" she looks around and then sees the four boys looking at us. "Well, hello to you too my nigga's," she says and tries to get up. "This headache though, help me." she mumbled and she crawls towards the boy with the blonde hair and the blue eyes. She grabs his pants and pulls herself up until she stands on both of her feet. "Oh my god," I mumble. "Do you girls want to come inside?" the boy with the colored hair says. He was the boy who came outside first this morning. "As long as you don't rape me and help me up. It's fine for me and Alice," I quickly say before she could say we are going to head home.

"Thanks for making us breakfast," Alice said and she gave the boys a hug. "No need for thanks," Luke said. Luke was the one with the blonde hair. "Can I get a hug from you too?" Michael said. He was the one who saw us laying in Luke his front yard. "Sure," I mumbled and I gave gim a hug. "Now I want a hug too." Calum cried and he walked up to us. "Calum, are you asian?" I asked him after I gave him a hug. "No darling," he laughed and stepped back. "Well, I guess you two want a hug too then?" I said and gave Luke a hug. "Thank you, midget." Ashton said and let out a giggle after I also hugged him. "I'm tall, leave me alone," I cried and Alice pushed me towards the front yard. "Well, bye. I'll text all of you later!" I screamed and ran after Alice on my bare feet. Yes, I lost my heels somewhere along the road so I needed to sit my ass in a damn bus because we didn't have enough money to pay the taxi. Yes, on bare feet and risk my life to get all kind of gross illness. "Wait, don't walk that fast Alice. My feet- jesus christ fuck. Fucking stones." I said and walked a little faster. "We need to get this bus," she screamed and ran towards the bus. "Jesus fucking Christ, this piece of shit thinks I'm Usian Bolt or something," I mumbled to my self and hopped into the bus after Alice.

"I'm going to take a shower," I said as soon as I opened the door with the key. Both of us were surprised that I still had the key after this night. "I feel so dirty and ew," I said and I threw the keys on the floor what caused a annoying sound. "Same, I'm taking the other bathroom," she said and she ran up the stairs. "Thats yours the one I'm talking about is mine," i said and walked up the stairs. I went to my room and opened the walk in closet my parents bought me. Yes, they bought me a walk in closet and both of our parents bought the house. But most of the furniture we had we bought ourself. I walked to the part where I hung my sports clothes and got a pair of white running shorts with pink stripes on it. I also grabbed a pink shirt and a clean bra and superman boxer. Yes, I wear superman boxers. Don't judge me. I got a clean towel and walked towards the bathroom that was close to my room. "And I may feel like a fool, but-" "I'm the only one dancing with you," Alice screamed. I giggled and locked the door. I turned on the shower and waited until the water was warm enough for me to get in. "Bam, shabam, kabem," I said while I was washing my hair. "Kabeng, boeng, beng," I said after that. I made a few drawings on the glass of the showers and then washed out the conditioner. I washed my body with a vanilla shower cream I got at the Body Shop last week in Newcastle. Wow, that sounded weird. My life was in Newcastle last week but I am in Sydney now. "Kaelyn, get out of the shower!" Alice screamed. "Why?" I simply said. "I'm going to get painkillers," she replied. "Then go get them you fuck," - "I'm fucking tired and I have a hangover, remember? And I can't help you never feel ill when you are fucking drunk the night before," I said and turned off the pipe. "Oh yeah, I'm sorry." she said. "I will be get going now then! Bye!" she yelled and I heard her walk down the stairs. This was going to be a fun day.

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