Anubis Reunion

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Amber's POV

I've just had an amazing idea it's been a whole year since I have seen everyone and I am dying to see Nina, Joy, Mara and even Willow. So I shared my idea with Patricia and Alfie

" Guys what about an Anubis reunion?"

" Come on guys it's been a whole year since we have seen everyone we should arrange a nice holiday together"

It went silent for a few seconds but Alfie was the first to react

"Yeah we can see Fabian, Jerome, Mick" He said

"And Nina, Joy, Mara" finished Patricia

" Yeah and even Eddie!" Alfie said

The room fell silent and Patricia shot Alfie a death glare

"Or... not? Yeah let's not then!" " I know it didn't work out with Zac but you're really scaring me Trix"

He spoke nervously

" You guys we have to invite him even after he hurt you, it's like everyone going to a party with Beyoncé and you weren't invited!" I spoke with genius

" Fine fine!" Patricia said

" I will tell everyone and they should meet in the Canary Islands"

Eddie's POV

A text from Alfie:

"Hey guys we thought about having an Anubis reunion in the Canary Islands! so if you can come reply! See you guys Alfie"

I replied instantly but before I could hit send I thought what if I surprise her so I didnt reply and caught the next flight

Several hours later-

I had passed security and customs and was about to board the plane when I had a tap on my shoulder and someone said:

"I believe I was here stranger"

I spun round and there stood KT

" KT how are you I haven't seen you in ages?"

"Good you?"

"Even better when I am face to face with Yacker!"

"Oh, your going? Alfie told me you. weren't going!?"

" Thought I might surprise them!"

"Same old Eddie!"

I chuckled and we boarded the plane

It was a long flight KT was lecturing on about how I mustn't hurt Patricia again but I must have dosed off because I was in a wonderful dream just me and Patricia was about to kiss but all I heard was "EDDIE!"

" We are here come on!"

I sprang from my seat and next minute we were at the hotel everyone was around the pool in shorts and bikinis

All apart from one

"Hey guys were is Patricia?" I asked abruptly

Fabian jumped and said " She is on the beach!" "And I thought you weren't com-" Fabian wasn't able to finish as I had already left to find Patricia and sure enough she was on the beach in a black bikini with the wind sweeping her hair and her eyes glistening

" Yacker!?" I spoke filling with excitement

Patricia's POV

I jumped at the hoarse voice which I recognised as Eddie's

It was great to see him again but I was still mad at him!

He carried on walking towards me in his blue shorts and his blue eyes were just to die for

He grabbed my hand and kissed me on the cheek, he pulled back and said I have missed you Yacker

How can he make my heart melt so easy!

"Are you going to say something?"

" Thought you weren't coming!"

"Really?That's the first thing you say not how you been or I've missed you!"

" And any way Yacker it was a surprise for you!"

He gave me a friendly hug but I couldn't help but hug back after everything I have been through this week the first and only person who I have wanted was Eddie!

Eddie's POV

She actually hugged back! I was so happy to have her in my arms again just to have a special moment which was abruptly ruined by Amber shouting

" Patricia!, Nina is here"

And off she ran!

I have a feeling that its going to be a good two weeks in paradise!

I returned back to everyone seeing that Mick and Mara had now arrived along with Joy and Jerome

I greeted them with a handshake and a hug I was happy to see them again

Amber then declared

"Tonight we are all going out for a meal together at the local restaurant, boys shall pick us up from mine and Nina's room tonight at seven and look smart boys!"

Finally a date with Yacker!

It had just gone seven

Amber let the girls out her room one by one Nina went with Fabian, Joy with Jerome, Mick with Mara, KT and Willow, Amber and Alfie only leaving Patricia who walked straight past me!

When we finally got to the restaurant there was two seats left one seat left next to me and I let Patricia sit down next to me. Everything was going well apart from Patricia hardly speaking but Willow broke the silence saying

"So Alfie when is Walfie getting back together!"

Amber darted to the girls toilets and started crying followed by Alfie

Patricia then stood up and poured orange juice over Willow saying you know what that is for

The whole resteraunt was looking at us and we were asked to leave but I totally should have seen that one coming!

I finally settled down to bed and I shared a room with Alfie and thought I have to win her heart.But I wish people would tell me what I ever did to hurt her but I fell into a deep sleep.

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