A lifetime without you

874 19 2

Patricia's POV

I flickered open my eyes to see the sun seeping through the curtain and birds chirping.

I got up and dragged myself to see if Amber and Nina were there but their bed was deserted.

How odd!

I got changed and was about to leave when a knock was on the door. It was Eddie.

"What do you want? Have you seen Nina and Amber?"

"No, Have you seen any of the others?"


A man who worked here walked over to us and led us down stairs where we saw everyone lying on the floor of the lobby with streamers on their bodies and half full cups of alcohol in their hands.

The man was furious and we had to drag everyone out and the woke up pretty quickly with a startle.

"Ahhhhh!" Amber shrieked

I ran in and was wondering why she was screaming

"What is it Amber?"


Amber sprinted off to find Alfie he had no idea and neither did I until I heard there convo

"What is this Alfie?"


"With red wine on it spilt by you Alfie, I will have you know this is silk!"

"I...will buy..... you a new o...n..e" He stuttered nervously

I knew Amber was full of dramatics at times. Everyone their last day differently to one another. Amfie went shopping, Fabina went to the national history museum. Jeroy slept and Mickra just packed while me and Eddie did Ping Pong, Tennis, Swimming and Mini Golf on site at the resort.

By 4pm everyone was back from their places and Mara and Amber suggested a last go around the campfire.

So once we had something to eat we gathered round the campfire.

Eddie had his arm wrapped around me. Nina was getting cosy with Fabian. Joy with Jerome. Mick and Mara but Willow and KT just say together.

There was a silence for a while as no one knew what to say but Mara broke the silence.

"Last game of truth or dare? Excluding Justin"

We all nodded in agreement and started the game.

"Jerome truth or dare?" Mara spoke

"Dare. Of course"

"I dare you to go in the water with your clothes on and you can't get changed into dry clothes for an hour!"

"Can.. I do a truth?"

"No, Jerome! Do it!"

So he did and everyone was chanting Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!

Eddie's POV

Jerome got out and he was drenched so I gave my drink to Yacker and she poured it on Jerome. We high fived.

"Very funny!"

He sat down next to Joy

"Right! Miller your turn truth or dare?"

"Dare Jerry!"

"I dare you to jump in the water with clothes on or you have to chuck two people in the water"

Everyone oohed as I looked around expecting me to pick Yacker. Jerome was talking to Joy. So I picked Jerome up and dunked him in the water!

He swam to the surface and was panting

" Well played Miller but you still have one more dunk!"

I looked around Amber gave me the don't-you-pick-me-Edison-Sweet-look

So I quickly scooped Yacker up bridal style and dunked her in and everyone was in total shock

Jerome was the first to get out followed by Patricia


"Why not!?"

"Could have chose anyone else!"

And she sat down next to me looking mad and someone coughed which brought me back to earth!

"KT truth or-"

"YES!!!" I was interuped by Joy who was standing holding what looked like a thermometer

Everyone looked at her intently

"I'm pregnant!" She announced everyone stood up and hugged and congratulated her apart from me, Jerome and Yacker

She finally cuddled up to a wet Jerome and the game continued with KT and then Nina when I glanced at Yacker

I open the blanket to show her if she wants warmth she can but she gives me a dirty look

"Yacker! Your freezing come on I know you want to!"

Patricia's POV

I did want to but I didn't but he was so keen I had to and I enjoyed his warmth with him cuddling me just so.

"Guys, do you realise this is probably the last time we can all see each other properly." Mara spoke in realisation

"Mick is training to be on the Australian football team. Joy and Jerome are going to be busy with the baby. Amber and Alfie will be busy working. Fabian and Nina will probably do A level Egyptian history and Eddie and Patricia will just be them!"

We all knew it was true and we all kept from our feet and hugged each other and said

"Together..... Forever"

"Were ever in the world!"

Everyone put their hand to their eye doing the Sibuna sign and said



Authors note- Hope you guys liked it remember to




And I am working on a new HOA fanfiction which will be up soon so be sure to check it out!

Sibuna! ✋

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