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Amber's POV

"Gather round gather round I have some exciting news!"
"Me and Alfie want to get married this weekend!"

Everyone looked at me with suprise

"So when is it happening?" asked Joy

"This saturday!" I declared

"Amber isn't that-"

"Today" I finished

Everyone was in total shock when I announced it
Alfie came running in to see everyone's jaws open

"Just to make this clear not my idea!"

Everyone understood it was all my idea

"Nina, Joy, Mara, Willow and KT you are my bridesmaids so go wait in my room. Fabian, Jerome and Mick you shall be ring Bearers now go to Alfie's room"

Patricia's POV

Everyone had gone apart from me and Eddie

"Patricia is my maid of honour and you Eddie is my best man" Alfie and Amber said

"Woah! Really?" Me and Eddie said and we were dragged downstairs and was pushed out the door as soon as we were dressed

I saw Eddie's expression on his face an he wasn't pleased he was chuckling. He knew the wedding wasn't thought into detail.

Amber had forced me into a scarlet dress with a corset flower around my wrist with my hair curled while the boys were laughing with Eddie and the girls looked confused.

The ceremony proceeded and Amber and Alfie looked so happy everyone was pleased for them. We knew we had to change before the reception so I changed into something more.

Um... ME

So I changes into black clothing with my lacy boots with my leather jacket and walked downstairs to see everyone holding hands and holding a drink in the other. I couldn't see Eddie anywhere I walked closer to everyone when someone tapped me on the shoulder and span me into his arms which of course was Eddie in jeans, a t shirt and a hoodie.

A slow song came on and everyone was dancing close together. AMFIE were the first to start and slowly Fabina, Jeroy and MICKRA joined in.

I tried to avoid anyone seeing me sneak to the back but Eddie said " Do you wanna dance, Yacker?"

"You know I don't dance, Weasel!"

"I'm just a tin can standing in fro-"

He made my heart melt and I new I had to dance with him but I stayed my distance away from him but he pulled me closer which I loved

We spiraled around and passionately kissed. I felt special. I forgot everyone else around us

It just felt like me and him
Without realising the song had finished and so did the dancing so me and Eddie was akwardly kissing infront of everyone but I didn't care.

Eddie pulled me outside and we watched the sun go down and he said

"You know it has been a good week, You know getting back with you and all but I still can't believe I did that to you tho"

"Eddie it's all in the past! I love you and that's all what matters!"

He smiled at me and broke the silence with

"We still have one more day together than I have to wait till January to come to your school"

"Amber will have something big in store to finish the week off"

"Yeah.... Yeah she will!" His voice drifted away with the wind and I felt him slip his hand into mine and enjoy the sunset and tomorrow.


Authors note- Thank you for so many reads there is still one more chapter to come which will be up tomorrow and don't forget to




Sibuna ✋

Peddie ever afterWhere stories live. Discover now