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Eddie's POV

I woke up to see my arms wrapped around the most beautiful girl I have seen. She looked so cute when she was sleeping she didn't have a care in the world.

"Why you looking at me slimeball?"

"Why shouldn't I?"

" So Peddie?"


I looked a little anxious

"Is it Peddie?"


I was growing a huge smile across my face but Patricia's face dropped!

"What about Justin he wants to date me and people still hate you because they think you are going to hurt me again!"

"Hey calm down Yacker! They have all screwed up to at one point in their lives and their girlfriends have taken them back I'm sure they will understand!"

"Okay we tell them after breakfast?"

"Sure, I will go get some and bring it up"

And I kissed her on the cheek and left the room.

Amber's POV

I was going down to get breakfast when I saw Willow and Alfie talking sure he can't be talking about getting back together can they. Alfie loves me right! He would never do that but next minute they were lip on lip!

How could he do that to me! IM AMBER MILLINGTON!

I noticed a tear falling from my face and I sprinted into my room and locked it! I was so upset and angry

There was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?"


"I need some alone time" I said calmly holding back tears

How could he?

Eddie's POV

"You ready?" I ask Yacker

"Ready as I will ever be!"

We walk down the stairs to find everyone there Mick, Mara, Joy, Jerome, Fabian, Nina, Willow, KT, Alfie and Amber looking mad at someone

"Guys, we have something to tell you"

She looks at me nervously but I just squeeze her hand and smile and she continues

"Me and Eddie are back together!"

"We want all your support and Eddie will not ever hurt me or I hurt him!"

Everyone seems to be taking the news ok wonder what they are really thinking

Amber's POV

Peddie! Yes! of course I will support them but if he hurts Patricia then it's personal Sweetie

Mara's POV

Is she out of her mind! He hurt her it's taken her a year to get over him and now they are back together!

Willow's POV

Peddie! Squeeeeeee! Excite!

I'm so happy for them!

Nina's POV

Patricia finally looks happy! it's nice to see that once in a while of course I will support them

Alfie's POV

I know Eddie is a good guy and he wouldn't hurt Patricia so I'm happy for the guy but I wish Amber would stop giving me death glares we are a couple

Mick, Jerome, Fabian and KT's POV


Patricia's POV

The boys started dancing all apart from Alfie and they gathered into a circle when I realised what they were doing

"Guys, Don't do this you aren't seven anymore" But I was suddenly swept off my feet and carried into Fabian's room

"Trix? Why?" Jerome was the first to ask

"Yeah, He hurt you trix and we care about you and don't want to see you hurt again" Mick responded

"Patricia we are trying to look after you!" Fabian said

"Oh, Don't act all innocent like you guys haven't screwed up. Jerome, Joy hated you when she found out about you dating both Mara and Willow. Mick you ruined Amber and Mara's friendship when they both liked you and Fabian your not innocent! You really hurt Joy when you declined her several times but your friends and girlfriends forgive you so accept Eddie ok"

They looked confused but they knew I had a point and we trekked downstairs again and everyone welcomed Eddie back

"Ok, Guys concidering peddie is back on I've wanted to ask Amber something"

Alfie got down on one knee and pulled out a ring and said "Amber Millington Will you marry me?"

Everyone was amazed that Alfie had the guys to do that we anticipated her answered when she finally said "NO!"

"No?" Alfie repeated

"I'm not marrying a guy who obviously liked to kiss his ex on the lips! Can you explain that Alfred Lewis!"

"I didn't kiss her Willow kissed me! on the cheek Amber I swear!"

"It's true Amber!" Willow repeated

"I'm not a boyfriend stealer"

Alfie was still on one knee with the ring waiting for Amber's final answer

Smiling intently

"Amber Millington Please will you do the honour of marrying me?"...

Peddie ever afterWhere stories live. Discover now