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Patricia's POV

"Yacker?" a voice spoke

"Yacker?" it repeated my eyes flinched open at the sound

No one was there

So I turned over on my side in realisation of my duvet

But the door flung straight open and wind wrapped around me

I shot up still hearing a little voice

"Patricia! Patricia!" It said chuckling

I left the room and walked into the reception in my pjs it was calling me downstairs and there he was in a tux

"Eddie?" "Do you realise what time it is?"

"It's worth it!" He handed me some flowers and was leading me into a dinner when another voice yelled

"Not so fast!" it was Justin

"I'm in love with you Patricia you don't think I will let you go so easy!"

I was frazzled but before I could say anything Eddie said

"Look Yacker, I was wrong about everything! Leaving you hurt the most, I can't believe I was an idiot not to see and since you and Justin have been hanging out I have realised you might never be able to forgive me. Ever! But I'm here with you right now practically on my knees asking you to give a guy a second chance because I love you Yacker!"

I did to so I turned back and kissed him passionately infront of Justin with Amber's words spinning round my head

" A guy who can have a sense of humor but can be serious and caring and isn't afraid to admit he is wrong"

Eddie did all of those and I finally remember now Eddie is my guy

He was shaking me vigourusly or so I thought I flinched open my eyes to see Amber stood before me saying are you ok you were making kissy faces

"It was all a dream?" I questioned myself

"Yes and next time you have a dream like that please don't wake me up at midnight!" She said loudly and she got back in bed

I needed to find Eddie even if it is late at night. So I got out of bed and knocked on Eddie's door loudly but knowing how much of a deep sleeper he is I had to let myself in with a hair clip

I went over to Eddie's bed to find it was empty

He had gone!

I hated myself for doing this to me I felt like crying but I heard Eddie's voice calling Yacker? What are you doing here?

I turned around and there he was with a can of whipped cream in his hands.

I was so happy to see him I flung my arms around him but all he could do was hug back and say are you ok? and here me out

So I did and he spoke exactly like in the dream and I knew he ment it and we spent the night together. Eddie had his arms wrapped around my waist and we cosily fell asleep.

I hadn't felt this happy in a long time and I wished morning would never come because I was savouring every second!


Authors note-

Hey guys I hope you are enjoying this there is a few more chapters to go but keep reading and tell me if it needs any improvements because I will respond!





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