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Amber's POV

I stood there awkwardly not knowing what to say or even react. Could I really trust him but he have me the biggest smile and his eye twinkled and I knew he ment it


Alfie jumped up from his feet and slotted the ring on my finger and wrapped his arms around me

Willow was also congratulating us and everyone looked so pleased for us all apart from Patricia and Eddie who had made a sudden disappearance but I was too happy to worry about them

Patricia's POV

"Okay Yacker you can open your eyes now"

I opened my eyes to find a picnic set out with candles but I looked at the senery around me only to find a warm lagoon to the side with a bottle of Champagne in it!

"Eddie? Where are we?"

"The rainforest"

"Beautiful isn't it! But not as beautiful as you!"

"Shall we sit"

I sat on the checkered picnic blanket and Eddie lifted out two hoagies. Romantic Guestures Fail Eddie!

But I loved him for that and he handed me mine and once we ate them Eddie suggested we go in the lagoon.

So I stripped down to my underwear but Eddie was staring at me like he had never seen it before.

"What? It's just like a bikini?" I remarked

Eddie then stripped down to his underwear and he chucked me in the water. I came to the surface but only saw Eddie about to jump in.

He splashed me and I dunked him under playfully he seemed to enjoy it!

We sipped our Champagne and cuddled each other like it was forever since we had seen each other

"I've missed you Yacker!"

"I've missed you too"

Next minute Eddie dropped his lips on mine and savoured it when we heard a twig snap and found Amber stood there

"There you guys are we have been looking all over for you"

"Eddie Guestured this so we were having some-"

"Peddie time, I understand my bad! but for the record I'm engaged"

"Congrats Queen Millington" Eddie remarked

"Shut it Sweetie I'm far ahead in the relationship ladder!" Amber replied

Another branch snapped and in came Alfie saying

"Do you really want the wedding this weekends?"

Eddie raised his eyebrows and I looked confused

"Way to ruin the surprise Alfie!" Amber then pointed at us and Alfie said Spoiler alert and Amber just grabbed his wrist and left.

We stayed in the lagoon till the sun went down and we got out and I slept in Eddie's room.

He had his hands on my waist and just dosed off. He looked like a little kid when he was sleeping but I couldn't help but fall asleep. So I kissed him on his forehead and fell into a sleep in his arms.

Peddie ever afterWhere stories live. Discover now