Nocturnal restlessness

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They walked through the streets and read the names of the inhabitants loudly to drive away the boredom. Müller, Klingelmann, Schiller, Meier, Kross, Ledemann, Schultze ... And they did it by road.

In the evening they searched for Elsaserstrasse. She was not far from the clinic. Only one parallel road separated the places from one another. The number 70, when they had finally found the street, was discovered very quickly. They rang and the buzzer went. They trudged up the stairs to the third floor and opened a woman, around the 60 years. It was the mother of Alex's girlfriend. She smiled and begged the boys. The corridor was narrow and so the boys pressed tightly into the small apartment. "You have to sleep in the living room on the sofa ... I have unfortunately no guest room!" "That's okay, Mrs. Mahler." Alexander replied kindly and did his pocket on a chair in the living room. Jonas did the same. "Do you want to eat something?" Asked Mrs. Mahler the boys. "Yes" came from both mouths and the table was quickly covered. There was bread, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, cold cuts, mustard and yogurt. The food was so delicious and was so hard in the stomach, the boys only moved quickly and went to bed. Mrs. Mahler also went to bed quickly.

The boys woke up in the middle of the night. They heard a screech and triple. Jonas got frightened and had to go to the loo quickly. Alex slept quickly, but Jonas did not come to it ... And just a short time later, Mrs. Mahler was snoring. Their noises were heard in the whole house. Only two hours later, Jonas finally sank again to sleep ... But a nightmare woke him again and so he lay on the sofa and hoped to sleep again. He did not come any more and Alex also woke up quickly.

In the morning they met the most important gathering, said good-bye to Mrs. Mahler, and set off for Bremen's market square.

I hope the chapter is not too short! Please give me a feedback.

If you want to read more, I am delighted ... I planned the second day already.

What are the boys doing on the third day in Bremen or the surrounding area?!?

I'm looking forward to your feedback and I hope you enjoy reading other works. I would like to introduce you to the "thaw" of NeyGray (me). The book has won a competition. :-)

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