Chapter 3

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*Beyoncé's POV*

I wake up to a loud clanking in the kitchen, so I go down there to see Nicki on the phone and a broken plate beside her feet.

"What's wrong?" I ask her as I begin to pick up the broken plate.

"Nothing." She says throwing her phone across the house.

She begins to breathe heavy, and I know that means she's scared of something. Nicki never is really scared of anything. The only time I've ever seen her scared was the day she almost died from an OD.

"Onika! you're scaring me! What's going on?!" I ask.

"Bey, just know that you and your baby are going to be ok. I won't let anything happen to yall." She says as she kisses my head. "I have to go." She adds walking out the door.

I begin to freak out because I don't even know what the fuck my sister got herself into. She's never been a trouble maker, but trouble always seems to find its way to her. Just then, there is a knock on the door. I open the door to see Chanel.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked confused.

"Umm Mrs. Whitney sent me over here to tell you that you get a paid day off. She couldn't come in to open the shop, so there's no dance class today." She informs me playing with her hands.

"Oh okay. How are you doing?" I ask her pulling her inside. "Are you hungry?"

"I'm doing ok and not really." She says.

"Have you eaten at all?" I ask her.

"Not really." She says looking down

"look baby, I know you're really scared and stressed, but starving yourself isn't the way to go." I say throwing a banana at her.

She begins to eat the banana, and she sits down at our bar.

"Why do you care so much? I mean you don't even know me." She says.

"I've always been the one to care about others before I worry about myself, but I see a lot of myself in you. How far along are you?" I ask her.

"five months. It's a girl." She says throwing her banana peeling away.

"five months?! Girl you ain't showing at all!!! It's too late to get an abortion now, legally." I say shocked as fuck.

"I know, but I know someone who does them at her house. I just don't think I can go through with it." Chanel says as she runs her hands through her kinky curly light brown hair.

"Yeah, I'm only about 2 and a half months. I need to go to the woman's clinic soon to get my ultrasound done and make sure everything is ok." I say pouring Chanel some orange juice.

I place the cup in front of her, and she looks down.

"What is it?" I ask because I can tell she has something to say.

"If my boyfriend kicks me out, could I possibly come live here because I want to keep my child, and I would buy my own place, but I'm not 18 yet." She asks.

"I'm sure I could make that possible, I'd just have to talk to my sister." I say.

"You have a sister?" She asks.

"Mhm her name is Onika, but everyone calls her Nicki or Nika." I say showing Chanel a picture of us.

"Wow.... ya'll are so gorgeous. She's so short." Chanel laughs.

"yeah. She's my little munchkin." I laugh.

"Where's she at now?" She asks.

"I think she went to work, but she left the house pissed off and scared earlier so I really don't know." I say.

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