A New Member to the Group! Sakuya...?

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I slowly open my eyes to Eem-san and Sakuya-kun looking down at me with worry. I sit up with a jolt and immediately blush. I fainted infrotn of Sakuya-kun?!? He'll never love me now...(⌒_⌒;)

"Ah, CD-chan, ur awake!!" Says Sakuya-senpai "are you feeling better??" I blush and look away.

"I'm fine.Sakuya-kun..but....w-what was it you said before I fainted?" I just wanted to hear him say i'm cute again...^^" he tilted his head in confusion.

"What do u mean? I didnt say anything." ...oh. Gonna play hard to get i see. >_> Then Eem-san decided to speak up.

"Ne, CD. Are you well enough to walk home or should I carry you?" Suddenly Sakuya-Senpai thrned red

"O-or I could carry you!!" I turn bright red and stand up super quick.

"Im fine!! Don't worry. Lets go, Eem-san" sakuya-senpai looks sad as me and Eem-san walk away towards home.

My parents are always suuuuper busy so I basically live alone. My house is a regular old Japanese styled house (obviously cause we live in Japan ^w^). Eem-san doesn't have parents, he just wanders around the streets and probably robs people or smth. Hes a mysetery lolol.

"Ne, CD-chan, can i live with you while we go to school here? I'll do all the chores."

"Sure, Eem-san!! Gomen, but I don't have another bed, so u have to sleep on the floor."

"Ne, thats fine."

Just then, a boy with Blue hair falls from the sky!!! He lands right on Eem-san. I get scared and kick the blue hair boy in the face, and he goes flying!!!
\(º □ º l|l)/

"Gomenisai!! Gomen!! Are you ok?!?" The boy slowly gets up, and walks past me and stares at Eem-san's passed out body laying on the concrete.

"....mine." Σ(°△°|||)︴ NANI????? He then quickly spins around to stare at me.

"You. Where does he live?" I gulp and start shivering. He loses patience when I dont answer immediately and walks up to me. I feel his hot smelly breath on my face (〃>_<;〃)

"Where. Does. He. Live." I swallow, hug myself, and look away.

"H-hes living with me..." His face contorts into anger, and then thought. I'm scared (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ he looks at Eem-san before turning to face me again.

"...let me live with you."


NANI?????.?.??.?,??,! 〣( ºΔº )〣

He then walks over to Eem-san and throws him over his shoulder, begore walking over to me again.

"Show the way." But I havent even said yes!! But I guess I have no choice, so I start walking to my house.

~~~TIME SKIP!!!!~~~~

Eem-san is lauing on my couch with a blanket on him while the blue haired boy sits under my Kotatsu while I make us tea. As the tea brews, I join the blue boy under the Kotatsu.

"By the way, what is your name? I'm CD."

"My name is Shiga. Whats his name." ..ah. Of course.

"Thats Eem-san!"



"Eem-kun. You will call him Eem-kun."

What a weirdo.

The tea finally finishes and i bring it over. Eem-kun finally wakes up, and after a few harsh words, quickly makes friends with Shiga-kun. We drink our tea before talking.

CD X SAKUYA: THE STORY OF TRUE LOVE \(≧▽≦)/Where stories live. Discover now