Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


We clinked our glasses together and the sound chimed like a melody in the air as we drained them empty.

“Hold on” Rose said as she made an attempt at standing up. “We all know why we're here tonight. To Alice!” Her smile widened at me as she raced her now empty glass and soon realised that she needed a refill. I felt my cheeks turn red as I took the bottle with whisky and poured it into her glass.

“For her brilliant effort in the weird sport of archery” Tricia stated and winked at me.

“Please, don't bother celebrate it” I said and shrugged. “It's was just another medal in my locker”

“Medal? It's the next step to the finals!” Rose spoke, almost screamed.

“I'm awesome” I said and started laughing. Parker kicked my leg under the table. “What?”

“Handsome checking you out at ten o'clock” He said and nodded his head in that direction. I turned my look where he was pointing and truly there was a goody-looking man gazing over at our table.

“Go over there and talk to him” Tricia suggested and tried dragging me up from my spot.

“Are you mad? I can't go over there and just talk to some stranger. Besides, it's probably Rose he's dreaming of” I stated harshly. I've never been popular with the lads and will never be. Growing up with only a grandmother didn't teach you how to get the guys. I spent most of my earlier teenage years learning how to knit and master the art of crochet. It was a miracle that I even bumped into my friends they way I did. As part of the small outcast-group I befriended Parker. You might think that I actually did caught the eye of one guy. Too bad he's betting for the other team. I don't bother that Parker is gay. He's been remarkable good to get me out of my shell and spend my spare time other than with grandmother and practice my bow.

“If you don't take him, I will” Rose stated and was beginning to walk over to the handsome guy.

“Fine, I'll talk to him” I sighed and stopped Rose from moving any further. I looked nervously around the room. It was an ordinary pub on an ordinary Friday. I gulped and made my move across the room. I stopped an inch from him and cleared my throat. He looked away from his friends and over to me.

“Hi, I'm Alice” I said and stretched my hand towards him. His eyes had a questioning look for minute before they turned friendly. “I'm Peter”

We were silent for a moment before I opened my mouth. If I would have redo it once more I surely would have chosen not to speak any further.

“I practice archery”

Peter grew even more silent and stared at me. I wished I could head back to my friends but I didn't want to seem foolish. Looks like it's too late now.

“How nice. Isn't it a man sport?” He asked. I felt glad because now he was even more stupid than I was.

“No, it works for both” You century old man, I thought. “Actually, I came over because I saw you looking at me and wanted to introduce myself”

If neither of us was uncomfortable before we were definitely now. Peter gave me an odd look, then said. “Oh, sorry to say this but I actually was checking you friend out” He said and gave a nod towards Rose.

“Oh, sorry to bother you” I said and quickly returned to my seat. I've never felt more embarrassed in my entire life. Maybe that time when I forgot to lock the bathroom and my crush Michael walked in on me. That was quite embarrassing to.

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