the beginning

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The first time it happens, it's intentional. There was no excuse to state, no outside factors to blame—only themselves, and their feelings. Soraru thinks about this often.

It starts innocently enough.

Soraru's on Mafumafu's bed, lying on his stomach, propping himself up on his elbows as he watches video game streams on his phone.

"Soraru-san," Mafumafu whines, before plopping down next to him, causing him to bounce up and down on the mattress.

"Hmm?" He mumbles in reply, not taking his eyes off the screen.

Mafumafu pouts. "Soraru-san," he whines again, dragging the vowels in name. When Soraru doesn't answer, the man begins poking his shoulders. Soraru doesn't react until he feels a jab to his side, his body reflexively flinching away.

"O-Oi! Stop that!"

Mafumafu blinks at him, before bursting out into laughter. "Ah, I didn't know Soraru-san was ticklish—"

"What?" He cuts in, "No, you're wrong, I'm not."

"Eh, are you sure?"


Mafumafu makes a move to poke Soraru's sides again, and he jerks away instinctively before the other can touch him. Mafumafu starts laughing again.

"You are, you so are," Mafumafu insists, moving his arms again. Soraru dodges his attack.

"I'm not!" He insists, forcing down a smile. "I'm really not. Seriously."

Mafumafu suddenly moves, harshly jabbing at Soraru's side, and he barely holds in a shriek.

"Why are you like this?" He exclaims, though not unkindly as he watches the other's face redden from his laughter. "What about you?"

Mafumafu pauses. "Eh? What about me?"

"Are you ticklish?"

Mafumafu freezes. "No."

"...that was so a lie," Soraru deadpans.

"It wasn't—" Mafumafu cuts himself off with his own yelp as Soraru effectively pokes a finger into the other's side.

Soraru smirks. "Hmm? What was that?"

"Wait," Mafumafu protests, but he's giggling already as Soraru creeps closer to him, "wait wait wait—"

But Soraru's always been competitive. He mercilessly begins attacking the other, finding himself laughing along with Mafumafu even though he isn't even being tickled.

"S-Stop!" Mafumafu gasps out between giggles, "Soraru-san!"

Suddenly, Soraru finds himself thrown on his back, Mafumafu looming over him. There's a moment of charged electricity. He can feel Mafumafu's breath on his lips. Soraru stares up at the other's eyes, at his flushed cheeks, and eventually his mouth. He flickers his gaze back up into the other's eyes, feeling something burn within him when he sees the other looking down at Soraru's lips as well.

They meet in the middle.

It's clumsy, their mouths moving against each other a little awkwardly. But then suddenly Soraru's tongue is in Mafumafu's mouth, and he can feel the other's groan on his own lips. He musters up the strength to roll them over, trapping Mafumafu beneath him before deepening the kiss. He hears Mafumafu release a quiet whine, hands burying into Soraru's hair and sending shivers down his spine.

"S-Soraru-san," Mafumafu stutters out, "w-what—"

He cuts Mafumafu off with a kiss, before beginning to press his lips against the other's neck. He's just as confused as Mafumafu is. He doesn't know why he's doing this, or why he suddenly wants to leave bite marks all over the other's neck, or why his body sparks with heat whenever he hears Mafumafu whine or gasp. He doesn't want to think about it right now, either.

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