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 "Have you eaten?" He hears a voice ask behind him, before lips gently press a kiss against his cheek.

Mafu rips his gaze from his computer screen so his lover can properly give him a kiss. "Not yet."

Soraru frowns, flicking him on the forehead and making him yelp. "Well, come on, then. It's time you took a break, anyway."

"...Can't I just eat dinner while working?"



"Please?" Soraru asks, grabbing Mafu's hand and kissing the back of his palm.

This immediately shuts Mafu up. He's bad at refusing Soraru when he pleads with him like this. "...Fine. Since Soraru-san asked so nicely..."

The small smile Soraru gives him could light up whole universes. "Good."

Their dinner isn't very spectacular or anything— they're not really cooks after all— but neither of them really mind. Mafu's enjoying his food when suddenly he feels Soraru's stare at him. He lifts his head up questioningly, only to see a small frown curving the man's lips.

"Hmm? Is something wrong, Soraru-san?"

The man's frown deepens. "Isn't it kind of weird you still refer to me so formally?"

Mafu tilts his head. "What do you mean?"

Much to his shock, a small blush spreads across Soraru's cheeks. "I mean, we've been dating for a while now..."

Mafu stares at him blankly for a few seconds, before breaking out into a wide smile. "Aw, Soraru-san wants me to be casual with him~ Who knew he could be this cute!"

"Shut up," he mutters, blush deepening.

Mafu just giggles. "Then...Soraru?"

The two of them pause, pondering over the suggestion.

"...I'm so used to saying Soraru-san it kind of sounds empty now without the 'san'..." Mafu murmurs.

"I was thinking the same thing..."

Mafu frowns, before an idea pops into his head, making his eyes light up. "...Soraru-chan?"

"No," Soraru deadpans, but Mafu isn't discouraged.


"If Soraru-chan wasn't okay why would Sora-chan be???"

He pouts. "Why isn't it okay?"

"It's—" Soraru begins, before breaking out into laughter, "it's too cute sounding. I'm not very cute."

"But you are!" Mafu insists, and he means it, even though he's laughing along with Soraru. "You are cute!"

Soraru just smiles at him. "I'm still not gonna let you call me that."

Mafu sighs. "Sora-kun?"

Soraru tilts his head in contemplation. "That's...better."

Mafu frowns. He doesn't want to call Soraru something he isn't completely comfortable with. "What about *******?"

The moment the words leave his lips, he feels his skin flush with heat. He doesn't think he's ever even said Soraru's real name out loud before, or at least to Soraru's face. Of course he's known what it is, has known for quite a while now, but he's never really had the chance to actually say it. He really likes Soraru's first name, to be honest. It suited him, though in a different way than how the name Soraru suited him. He supposes that the name Soraru suited the utaite that the man became, while Soraru's real name suited who the man actually is; a man who was a little awkward, but who always meant well, a man who unexpectedly got excited over silly things sometimes, a man who was almost unconditionally kind.

He glances at Soraru, only to feel his face heat up even more when he sees that the man is also blushing, taken back by Mafu's sudden boldness.

"T-That's..." the man stutters, "I— It's....y-you..." Abruptly, Soraru stands up, grabbing his bowl and silverware and walking towards the kitchen sink. "D-Do whatever you want!"

Despite his own embarrassment, Mafu can't help but laugh a little. "Me saying your real name got you that flustered?"

"You're so annoying," Soraru mumbles, busying his hands by washing out his bowl. Almost as an afterthought, he adds, "*****-kun."

Mafu drops his chopsticks, and they clatter onto the floor, his body heating up more than it should. At the sound, Soraru turns his head to look at him, and much to Mafu's dismay, a small smirk curves Soraru's lips.

"L-Let's just stick with what we've been doing!!!" Mafu bursts out loudly, his chair scraping against the floor as he abruptly stands up. "I'm going back to work! You're doing all the dishes!"


Mafu ignores him, skirting back to his room and slamming the door shut.

"This is so bad for my heart..." he mumbles to himself, placing a hand on his chest, before plopping down on in front of his computer and getting back to work.


"Good morning, Sora-chan!"

"...Didn't I tell you not to call me that?"

"Yeah, but then later you said I could do whatever I want!"

"...Fine, ****-kun."


the beginning of the here and there drabbles~

i don't know their real names, obviously, and it felt weird of me to make one up for them so i just used asterisks wwwwww 

smat will...possibly be the next one. or the next one after the next one wwww

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