how he falls

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You should expect this by now, but there's smut! Also unbetaed. 

Surprisingly, after the second time, their relationship, for the most part, doesn't really change.

Soraru supposes calling it "the second time" is a bit inaccurate, since he's pretty sure they had four or five rounds that night, but honestly, he's lost track of how many times they've done it already.

Because that's the thing. Their relationship hasn't really changed; they still sing collabs together, still talk or hang out every day, still find themselves walking around town and getting into suddenly intense discussions about music, still tease each and laugh at each other. But they also occasionally stop by one of their houses after doing all that and spend a good few hours fucking.

They haven't really tried to talk about what they were doing, or why they were doing it, or what it meant. Neither of them have really brought the issue to attention. Soraru's just too scared to. He barely knows the reasons he's doing this himself. And he's not sure if he wants to even address them.

As for why Mafu's not bringing it up, Soraru has no idea.


He looks up from his phone screen in order to look at Mafumafu properly from his position on the couch. They had done it at Soraru's place this time, both of them passing out on his bed and waking up a few hours later. Mafu has just gotten out of the shower, hair still damp and dripping onto his shoulders, droplets of water imprinting the fabric of his shirt.


Mafumafu glares at him. "What is this?" He points to his neck, where multiple hickeys and bite marks are scattered about.

"They're hickeys," Soraru answers calmly, not able to hold in his smirk as he studies them.

"Why are they there!?"

"Well we—"

"Wait, don't answer that," Mafu cuts in, face turning red, though the pout still remains on his face. "I thought I told you no hickeys!" He whines, "how am I going to cover this up..."
"You weren't complaining earlier," Soraru responds, smirk widening.

Mafu's flush deepens. "I—Y-You—" he stutters, making Soraru laugh. "Soraru-san! Don't laugh!"
"I'm sorry," he says, raising his hands up in defeat. "I'll stop now." While he does stop laughing, he can't keep the grin off his face.

Mafumafu starts pouting at him again. Suddenly, the man starts climbing into his lap, legs resting on either side of him and arms reaching to wrap around his neck.

"Mafumafu what—"

A pair of lips smash into his. Immediately, his eyes flutter shut, fighting with Mafumafu for control. He wraps his arms around Mafu's back, tilting his head to deepen the kiss. Though they had just done it a few hours ago, he already feels his body begin to warm up with that familiar burn he's come to associate with arousal. It's kind of scary how easily Mafu does this to him.

Mafu breaks away from the kiss to trail kisses down his jaw to his neck, hand trailing up his shirt and making him shiver. He gasps as he feels Mafu dig his teeth into his skin, sending another wave of arousal throughout his body. Just as he's about to lean in for another kiss, ready to take back dominance, Mafu moves off his lap.

"Mafumafu?" Soraru questions, head still in a daze as he stares up at him.

"Well, I gotta go meet Luz now!" The man chirps with a wave, before turning around to walk out the door. "Bye!" He calls over his shoulder, before shutting the door.

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