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Devin POV

"Sooo how's Jake?" I asked Chance. He hesitated and said, "Good. He's good" Oh I kinda mouthed. "What gender do you think the baby will be?" I asked trying to break the tense silence. "Hmm... I'm going with girl!" He laughed. "You?"

I thought for a moment. My mom had told me that when she was pregnant with my older brother that her belly grew but it didn't affect her body much afterwards.. but when she had my sis- me, that she had some fat on her thighs afterwards. I looked down at my stomach. It wasn't so big, but not so small either. "I think... boy" I said smiling. He chuckled.

"Want to go outside? It's a beautiful day out" I offered Chance. "Sure, sure" he said and we walked outside. I completely ignored that I looked like a mess. With my over sized T-shirt and shorts with my hair up in a loose bun with no makeup on.

We walked over to the near by lake in my neighborhood. We walked onto the wood and we both looked down at our reflections shining in the waters. The cold air wrapped around my body like an ice blanket. Why didn't I bring my sweatshirt? I started to shiver a bit and I guess Chance noticed because he put his sweatshirt over me and wrapped his arm around me.

"Thanks" I smiled looking deeply into his eyes. He smiled and looked into mine. His ocean blue eyes pierced into my soul sending goosebumps on my arms. His face moved closer and I felt a wiggle on my ankle.

I looked down to see something hopping. But of course being the jumpy Devin that I am, I screamed and fell into the lake pulling Chance with me! We both floated back up to the top and I brushed my wet hair out of my face. My cheeks turned scarlet and I was so embarrassed but I guess Chance found it fun because he was laughing. I started to laugh along with him. God, his laugh is so contagious.

But the water was fucking freezing. I started to shiver and my teeth clanked together. Chance pulled me into him and we just hugged barely floated above. His shirt sunk into his abs and they were carved out perfectly. He pushed me up to the top and I grabbed on to the side of the wood. I climbed up and held out my hand and with all my strength I helped pull him out. He chuckled as he crawled up. I laughed, "Sorry"

"Don't worry about it! One of the best moments of my life" he chuckled. "Oh really?" I raised my eyebrow. "Really" he said arching his. "Well good for you that I can say the same" I laughed. "Oh yeah?" He arched his eyebrow even higher. "Yeah" I bit my lip playfully and laughed. "Like what can make this day better? I mean we just fell into a freezing ass lake!" I laughed and part of it was sarcasm. Chance looked at my lips and I looked at his. My eyes moved on his eyes as his did the same. "I know what can" he said and leaned in and grabbed my waist and smashed his lips on my mine.

My hands were on his neck and his hair. Sparks flew everywhere and an explosion of happiness came filling in me. How I knew something was missing, but I didn't know what. Now I knew what. He held onto my waist a little more tightly but he was cautious about the baby. All the cold left my body. His lips tore at mine and I sunk my teeth in his bottom lip softly and we both laughed and our foreheads were touching as we held each other's faces. He stroked my cheeks with his thumbs. My eyes were twinkling and he was smiling. "Yeah..." I said. "That definitely made my day"

 "That definitely made my day"

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