Telling the Truth

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My eyes were wide open at first. Then, they slowly closed, and I kissed him back. When we pulled away, and I opened my eyes, I felt confused.
"T-that was... Uhmm... What I've been wanting to do for a long time." Frisk said. "I know you probably don't feel the same, but I just wanted to do that."
"Frisk, I don't know how to feel. I don't love you that way, true, but I'm glad you told me."
"Y-you don't love me?" Frisk said upset.
"I don't love any one. I am going to wait until I get older until I can say I love someone, or even say I love a monster. But until I get older, I don't love anyone. Not even Error."
"Have you told him that?" Frisk asked.
"No. I was going to tell him tonight." I admitted.
"Better do it soon." Frisk said. "I'm pretty sure the guy is unhinged."
"Error is fine. He would never hurt me."
Not again at least.
"Well, before you go to bed, take this." Frisk said giving me a small vile of blue elixir.
"What does it do?" I ask.
"It's something Sans made. It helps a weak soul grow stronger. And last time I checked, your soul had a crack in it. This could help make you strong, and heal your soul. Almost every good in the underground had this mixed in with the food. It kept my soul strong, it'll do the same for you."
"So... You're not mad at me for, you know, not having feelings for you?" I ask.
"I mean, it hurts, but I'm just glad I got that out there. It hurts for me to say this, it really does. Let's just stay friends, okay?"
We walked side by side to the other monsters waiting on us.
"So, how'd you get the practice to tell me?"
"I kinda flirted with almost every single monster underground."
"Who-ho-hoa there boy! Maybe I should call you Frisky!"
"Shut up!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Before I went to bed, I drank the elixir Frisk have me. It tastes almost like blue kool-aid. With one last sip, I went to bed, ready to tell Error the truth.

(Dream Scape)
"Error?" I yell out. "Error! There's something I've gotta-" I went dead silent.
I looked down at my feet to see papers. Each paper was strangely similar, yet different. Some had photographs of me and Error when we were kids, some of just me with hearts drawn all over. Then the strange things came into view. There were photos of me and Error when we kissed. It was almost like he was holding a camera, yet he wasn't. When I looked closer, I noticed his blue strings wrapped around us for multiple pictures.
That's why I couldn't let go during the kiss...
Then there were the letters. These were specific letters however. They looked like letters you would write to someone you loved. Each one was signed "Your Secret Admirer." I recognized these letters. These were all given to me at school, but I threw them away. One letter, really caught my eye though

My sweet Y/N,
Everything about you had sent my soul a burst. When I'm with you, I feel helpless. No one has ever treated me the way you do. You were my first friend that I had ever made in my lonely life.
You are my dream. You are my happiness. You were my first kiss. And you are my one and only true love. I will never let anyone take you away from me. I love you too much to lose you. Say you love me Y/N. That's all I ask of you.
Your dear fellow mistake, Error.

Error... He loves me... Why didn't I realize this?

Then, I heard the crying. I looked to see Error. He was looking at a portal. I snuck up behind him to see what he was looking at. It was of Frisk and me in the woods.

"I've always.... Uhmmm... LOVED YOU!" Frisk said in the memory.
"H-huh?!" I stuttered
Then me and Frisk kissed. I never even realized that I grabbed his face while we kissed. My eyes widened at the sight.

"That's all I saw..." Error said in the middle of the silence. "That's all it took for me to realize that you loved him."
I couldn't say anything. I couldn't find the words I was choking on.
"So, why did you lie to me? You said he was just a friend. Why did you LIE to me?!" As he turned his head, I noticed blue stains streaming down his face.
"That's why you wanted me to tell you where Frisk was, wasn't it?"
"I never ment for that to happen!"
"Sure, Y/N! Just like you never ment for our meeting to happen."
"Just like you never ment for our friendship to happen!"
"Just like you never ment for our kiss to happen!"
I let him keep talking. He had a point to this.
"I thought that kiss was a sign! I thought it ment something! I never felt like this toward anyone! And yet, when you came into my life, I never wanted you to leave. You just had to sneak your way into my heart, did you? You said that that was your first kiss, and that it was amazing. Or was that a lie too?!"
"Error, I don't love Frisk! And I don't love you! I never loved you that way! I never have felt love toward anyone, and probably won't ever! Get that through your thick skull! I don't love you! Never have and never will!"

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