Chapter 3

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Rachel’s POV

“What time were they supposed to get here?” I call out to my mom, anxiously tugging on the edge of my shirt.

“11 dear” she responds from elsewhere in the house. I look at myself in the mirror I’m standing in front of and try to smooth a few wrinkles out of my shirt. I was wearing a loose white blouse and a flowered skirt that went to my knees. Not exactly my first choice in clothes but I’d lost a lot of weight in the past few months and I needed something that would hide how sickly skinny I was getting. My hand absentmindedly goes to my hair. I used to have this beautiful, long blond hair but when Chemo had started I had lost it all. Just thinking about it caused my eyes to water. So instead of getting a fake blond wig that would be nothing in comparison to the real thing, I had opted for a shoulder length brown one. It didn’t look bad. It brought out my blue eyes and seemed to give me alittle color. I force my eyes away from the mirror, this was as good as it was going to get.

I walk into the kitchen where I see my mom frantically scrubbing the inside of the oven. This past week she has been on a cleaning frenzy in order to make the house “look presentable” as she puts it. I swear, I saw her eyeing the fireplace the other night thinking about cleaning the inside of the chimney. Yea, because One Direction was going to come down the chimney like Santa.

“Mom, the house looks great” I say softly putting a hand on hers to stop her from cleaning. She looks up at me and puts a hand on my cheek.

“I just want this to be special for you” she says, her eyes growing misty. Ever since we decided to stop treatment and I would stay at home, she had tried to stay tough but I knew this was hard on her. It had always been the two of us after Dad’s car accident when I was 3. Now I would be leaving her soon also.

“Everything is perfect” I say putting my hand on hers. We stay there for a few seconds before snapping out of it.

“I’ve got to go change” Mom says, snapping into action as she rushes back to her room. I smile as I watch her go. I head into the living room and sit down on the couch resting for a few minutes. Today was the day.

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