Chapter 14

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Niall’s POV

I glance out the window for the hundredth time to check to see if she was here yet. The two weeks had lasted forever even though I was kept extremely busy. The lads had tried to keep my occupied with recording the album and practicing but my mind kept drifting to Rachel. Wondering what she was doing; how she was. I could tell they knew I wasn’t focused also. I often caught them exchanging glances amongst each other. I felt bad, I tried to force myself to focus but the smallest things would remind me of her. I couldn’t go shopping without thinking of Wal-Mart. I couldn’t even eat without thinking of the picnic. I know, it was verging on unhealthy. We had kept in touch though. We talked every day by phone. She was worried about the cost but I assured her I’d take care of it. I looked out the window and saw a car pull up. I jump out of my seat practically taking out the lamp next to me as I race towards the door. “Mom, Dad, they are here” I call as I open the door. I see her step out of the car and I race down the path, closing the distance between us scooping her up in a big hug, spinning her around before setting her down and kissing her. I break away when I hear a cough behind us and look up to see her mom standing there. “Hello Mrs. Collins” I say sheepishly. She only nods at me muttering something about teenage hormones before she sees my parents standing in the doorway and goes over to introduce herself. I look down at Rachel, a smile fading from my face as I actually take a look at her. She looked skinnier. More fragile. You could tell she wasn’t healthy. “How’re you feeling?” I ask worriedly brushing a lock of hair behind her ear.

“I’ve been better” she says with a grim smile. I nod. “Come on then, time to meet my parents” I say taking her hand and leading her over.

“So you’re the girl Niall is always going on about” my mom says as Rachel and I get over to them. Rachel glances at me, lifting an eyebrow and I feel my face heat up. “Well I can see why, you’re absolutely gorgeous” my mom continues. I see Rachel’s face tint pink.

“Thank you Mrs. Horan” she says embarrassed.

“Well come in, come in” my dad says, standing in the doorway. We all walk in and I see Rachel and her mother looking around. “Why don’t you show Rachel where she will be staying and we’ll show her mother to her room” my dad says to me. I nod, taking Rachel’s hand again, leading her up the stairs.

“So this is your room” I say opening a door. We walk inside and she looks around. “It’s the guest room” I explain as I set her bag down inside the door. She nods her head in approval.

“It’s twice as big as my room at home” she exclaims. I smile, relieved that she liked it, and pull her into my arms.

“I’ve missed you” I murmur, resting my forehead on hers. She nods briefly before our lips connect.It was a different type of kiss than the one when she first got here. That one had been more excitement, an anticipation of her arrival. This one was deeper, a more of a wanting. My tongue probes her lips, begging entry which she readily gives. I feel my heart thumping in my chest as she grabs my shirt pulling herself even closer. My lips leave hers leaving a trail of kisses down her neck. I hear a soft moan escape her lips and feel her grip tighten on my shirt.

“Our parents are probably wondering where we are” she whispers reluctantly. I sigh, pausing a moment as I force myself to calm down. I pull back and look at her, seeing her face flushed and eyes bright.

“Ok” I say softly kissing her on the cheek once again before taking her hand and leading her out of the room. When we get back to the living room, my mom looks at the two of us before raising an eyebrow at me. I glance down at my wrinkled shirt and feel my face heat up as I try to smooth it out.

“So I see you found your room alright” my mom says, knowing in her eyes. I just nod my head dumbly.I glance at the clock and notice it’s already 2.

“We’ve got to go” I say panicked. “We are supposed to meet the lads at 3”

“Where are we going?” Rachel asks confused as I practically drag her out of the house.

“It’s a surprise” I say with a smile as I head to the garage.

“No way” Rachel says in shock as I open the garage door.

“This is only part one” I say with a smile watching as she takes in the sight of a gleaming motorcycle. As soon as I had gotten back to the UK, I had signed up for lessons and got certified to drive a motorcycle. I’d been driving it for almost two weeks wherever I go so I’d be good enough to drive us places. I slide on to the front and hand her a helmet, putting on my own. She stares in shock for a few more seconds before a smile breaks out on her face and she takes the helmet from me, sliding it on. She settles on behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist and resting her head against my back. I start the engine, the motorcycle roaring to life and we take off down the street. Her arms tighten against me for a second but then I feel it loosen and her head slip around my back to resting on my shoulder so she could see everything. I grin, pouring on the speed, and hear her let out a shriek of happiness as we race down the road.

“Bout time you got here, we’ve only been waiting for like forever”Louis says as we pull up. I pull off my helmet, shaking my head to fix my hair and glance back at Rachel, seeing a flush of excitement on her face.

“Where are we?” she asks a look of confusion crossing her face as she takes in our surroundings. “It looks like a…” she starts saying before I see it click in her mind. “Oh my god you didn’t” she squeals, throwing her arms around me.

“Hey what about us? We helped” Harry says with a laugh. Rachel releases me and gives all of them a hug.

“So are you guys ready to go?” Our instructor asks as he approaches us.


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