Chapter 17

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Niall’s POV

I glance over and see her shifting excitedly in her seat. I raise an eyebrow at her amused.

“Can you tell me where we are going now?” she pleads for the fifth time. I shake my head a smile playing on my lips as I look back to the road. She purses her lips, quite obviously frustrated that I won’t tell her where we were going and releases a loud sigh. After a few seconds she turns on the radio. We had decided to drive a car there because it was a good two hours away and that would have been a very tiring motorcycle drive. She starts flipping through the radio station until we hear a very familiar song play.

So get out, get out, get out of my head

And fall into my arms instead

She glances at me raising an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her face. “I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing” she says starting to sing along. I raise an eyebrow at her amused. She wasn’t half bad. She pauses when it gets to my solo and looks at me expectantly. I laugh shaking my head slightly before looking at her

“Now I'm climbing the walls. But you don't notice at all. That I'm going out of my mind. All day and all night” I sing to her. She smiles back appeased before starting to sing the rest of the song. I chime in and do the harmonies, letting her sing the main melody. When the song ends she looks over at me.

“That’s my favorite one” she admits.

“Really?” I ask surprised. Most girls liked What Makes You Beautiful the best. She just nods her head. “That’s my favorite to” I tell her. Her grin widens when I tell her that and then she goes back to singing along with the radio. As song after song plays, she keeps knowing the lyrics. “How do you know so many different songs?” I ask impressed. Her cheeks turn pink.

“I learn song lyrics really quickly, it only takes once or twice of it playing for me to pick up most of the words” she says. “I wish that I could memorize the math equations that fast” she adds with a wince. I chuckle softly but can’t help but to think that she wouldn’t need to learn math equations much longer. This thought causes me to wince and I quickly try to push it out of my mind. She’ll get better, I tell myself. She’s a strong girl, she can overcome anything. I look over at her and see her singing softly to the song playing as she looks out the window. I reach over and take her hand in mine. She looks over with a slight look of confusion. I smile giving her hand a light squeeze turning back to watch the road, keeping her hand in mine.

We finally get there and I release her hand as I put the car in park. “Where are we?” she asks confused as she looks around. I grin, pulling on my hat and glasses, hoping it would be enough of a disguise to keep us from getting swarmed. Although the people here wouldn’t be watching me anyways. I smile and lead her through the throng of people and booths to where a small stage was set up. She looks at me even more confused. I just nod at the stage as a bunch of people come out. She turns her attention back to the stage as the music starts but I keep my eyes focused on her. I wanted to see her reaction. All of a sudden her eyes grow wide and her mouth drops. “How do they do that?” she asks in shock as she watches the people on stage perform an Irish river dance.

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