Chapter 5

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Rachel's POV

“So what do we do now?” Harry asks as he picks the crumbs off his plate.

All the boys turn to look at me. “Well we can go for a walk” I suggest. “There’s a clearing out back in the forest, nobody ever goes out there so you guys don’t have to worry about being seen”

The boys look at each other like they were having a mental conversation before Louis finally gets out of his seat. “Sure” he says as the other boys all stand also.

“Paul you can stay here, we’ll be ok” Harry says to Paul patting him on the shoulder. Paul barely even acknowledges this since he was in a deep conversation with my mom.

I slip on a pair of sandals and open up the back door. I walk outside and close my eyes. I tilt my head up towards the sun letting the sun wash over my face. This was going to be my last summer so I had to make the best of it.I look back and see the boys all staring at me. I feel a blush begin to creep up my face “sorry, I just love this weather” I say ducking my head.

They grin at me understandingly. “Reminds me of home” Niall replies with a smile. I smile back at them before turning and walking in the direction of the forest. Louis and Harry run ahead and start hanging from branches in various trees. I smile at how goofy they act. When I was younger I had made it my goal to climb to the top of the tallest tree. I had almost done it also, until I had fallen and broken my arm. After that my mom had forbidden me to climb. As I reminisce I don’t notice when Niall falls into step beside me.

“They are always like that” Niall says seeing me watching Louis and Harry.

Hearing a voice right next to me causes me to jump.He looks at me worried. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, I thought you knew I was here” he says nervously.

“I’m fine” I say with a laugh putting a hand over my racing heart feeling as it slows down to normal. “You just startled me” He smiles back at me in relief and we begin walking once more. “What’s it like?” I ask finally; the question I had always wanted to ask a celebrity.

“It’s crazy” he responds. “I still can’t believe it’s happened to me sometimes. I’m just a regular lad from Mullingar. The fact that all this has happened… it’s unbelievable”

I smile, happy with his answer. “I bet having all the girls swooning at your feet is a plus” I say teasingly.

He ducks his head with a smile, “Yea that is kind of cool, although not many of them are at my feet. It’s mostly Harry and Zayn’s” he says with a grin.

“Yea, yea, yea, whatever, you still have more girls then 99% of guys do” I say waving off his self depreciation with a smile. “Besides, personally, I think you are the cutest” I add with a wink before running ahead to catch up with Harry and Louis.

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