Chapter 4

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Niall’s POV

We pull up to a quaint one story house on the edge of a town. I look at the other boys confused. “I thought we were going to a hospital?”I ask. Paul turns around from the front seat shaking his head.

“No lads, they stopped treatment for her, she chose to live at home. Nurses will come out every few days or so to make sure she’s ok but that’s it” He tells us glancing back at the house with a look of pity. “Poor lass”

The boys file out of the car and I exit last, trailing slightly behind. I felt bad that I was so reluctant to do this but I was practically shaking myself. Before we are even up to the door, it is swung wide open and a girl our age is standing there practically glowing with excitement. I was taken aback. This was not the type of girl I was expecting at all. She looked so normal. I let out a rush of air and a smile breaks out on my face. “You must be Rachel” Harry says with a smile, enveloping the girl in a hug. One by one everyone gives her a hug until she is left standing in front of me.

“Hi” she says shyly.

“Hey” I reply and the next thing I know she’s flown into my arms, her head resting on my shoulder. I’m surprised at how far my arms can wrap around her. They went all the way around her and then could practically touch me again. I look over her head at the other boys who are all smiling at me.Zayn gives me a thumbs up.

Rachel’s POV

I reluctantly pull myself out of Niall’s embrace and take a step back. He had always been my favorite. He had always appeared to be the kindest;The one that felt the most. “Come on in” I say taking Niall’s hand and leading them into the house. I lead them into the living room and drop his hand. I hadn’t really realized I had taken his hand; it was more of an instinct, to help lead them to the room I guess. “It’s kind of small but it’s home” I say with a shrug as I watch them look around.

“I have sandwiches in the kitchen if you guys are hungry” my mom says stepping into the room.

“Yea” a voice rang out excitedly. I look over just in time to see Niall smack a hand over his mouth.

“You’re always hungry” Zayn says to him with a laugh, shaking his head. Niall shoots me an apologetic look but I just smile in return.

“Come on, let’s go eat, I’m starving” I say heading into the kitchen with the boys right behind me. I grab some plates for everyone and when I turn back around I burst out laughing. The boys all had two sandwiches, one in each hand, and were really chowing down on them.

“Glad I made so many” my mom says with a chuckle.

I set the plates down for the boys, who put one of their sandwiches down on it, and sit in the open seat next to Niall. “These are delicious” He says reaching for a third. I take one and start eating as I look at the boys. I couldn’t get over the fact that they were all here. I smile to myself as I eat my sandwich.

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