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a/n: this is a little nsfw oops

the first kiss that both of them are sober and in their right minds for.

the first kiss where both of them know what they are doing.

the first kiss that doesn't end in misunderstandings.

alex kisses back immediately, savoring the taste of jack's lips. his hands come up to cup jack's face, pulling them even closer together, if that's possible.

at this, jack's lips part, and alex forces his tongue inside the boy's mouth, warm and wet. god, hasn't he been dreaming about this for days, for weeks now? pretending lisa was a suitable replacement, despite seeing jack's face every time he closed his eyes? and jack's a good fucking kisser too— must come naturally— to the point where alex has to hold back a moan. 

finally, they break apart, alex gasping for breath. he feels as though his face must be on fire with how fiercely he's blushing, and jack doesn't look much better.

"we just..." he says, eyebrows high. "holy shit, lex."

winking, alex responds easily: "there's a reason lisa stuck around for this long..." he giggles and climbs to his feet, grabbing a drink of rockstar before he yawns. "i just didn't expect you to be so... good, wow."

jack bites his lip and stands up also, one hand on the bedpost to steady himself. "shut up, gaskarth," he sighs almost weakly, "i'm a natural."

"oh, really? see, i don't think i got the full extent of it... you'll have to prove it," alex shrugs innocently, blinking big eyes at the other boy.

he's not expecting jack to shove him against the wall, pressing him against it. jack's lips attack his with another heavy kiss, one leg forcing its way between alex's. alex kisses back hungrily, hands grabbing at the back of jack's shirt, realizing if jack does anything else he won't be able to hold back the moan building in his chest. when jack hooks his fingers in alex's belt loops and pushes his hips forward, it comes out, and alex groans against jack's mouth, feeling his jeans start to tighten in the crotch.

really, neither of them know where all of this... sudden excitement, to put it that way, is coming from, but neither is really in the mood to complain.

jack pulls away suddenly, but alex stays pressed against the wall, confused and disappointed. "where are you going?" he asks.

"just locking the door," jack says, "just in case." he grins and pushes his hair away from his face. "i made you moan."

"shut the hell up," alex responds, biting his lip, thanking god that jack hasn't cast his eyes downward yet and seen the... ah, little— well, not little— problem in alex's pants. "and get back here."

"well, if you insist," jack blinks at him and grins. "who am i to refuse such a cute boy?" he asks, and complies by kissing alex again, his leg making its way back between alex's. 

he moans again, almost immediately, weeks of pent-up waiting spilling out in these few minutes. the walls aren't exactly soundproof, so he knows he has to keep quiet; but with jack fucking barakat making out with him against a wall, it's truthfully very hard to do so.

jack grins against his lips momentarily, kissing him harder to make up for it. one of his hands goes to alex's hair, tangling in the golden-brown locks— the other one stays curled in alex's belt loops.

feeling his hair being tugged, no matter how gently, alex makes another soft noise and drops his hands to jack's ass, sliding in his back pockets. he pushes, grinding jack's crotch against his, and hears the younger boy finally moan. 

it was always so awkward with lisa— listen, they'd fucked once, and alex had felt so weird afterwards he could barely look her in the eye— but everything comes naturally with jack. there's no awkwardness, no hesitation, when jack finally pulls his fingers out of alex's belt loops to fiddle with the buckle instead. the noise of his own zipper sliding down is heaven to alex's ears.

"p-please," he whispers, voice strangled, as jack strokes him once through his boxers, feelings of pleasure radiating through him like a shock. sure, he's imagined this moment a million times while jerking off, but it feels so much better in real life. "jack, fuck—" cause jack's shoved his hand in his boxers and holy fucking shit— 

"yeah?" jack murmurs, a devilish smirk on his face. "you want something, baby?" he curls his hand around alex's cock, but doesn't move, watching alex's face.

god, the absolute motherfucker, alex thinks. "yeah," he gasps out, "y-you, please..." his hips twitch involuntarily, and jack's smirk grows. "you fucking tease, jack—"

slowly, jack's hand grips him and starts to stroke, gathering speed, and alex's protests cut off. jack himself moves his lips to alex's neck, kissing there instead, and alex is left to tip his head back against the wall, eyes shut and mouth open in silent pleasure. 

never in his wildest fantasies would he have envisioned this— and now it's here. jack barakat, jerking him off in alex's own bedroom.

(plus he has brownies waiting for him. don't forget that.)

"god, jack," alex moans through gritted teeth, feeling a warmth settle in his stomach. "'m close," he manages thickly, gasping. jack's busy with leaving marks on the fragile skin of alex's neck, biting at his collarbones. alex knows it'll be a bitch to cover up later, but his mind is so fuzzy from pleasure he can't bring himself to care.

"you doin' okay?" jack asks, humming. 

is that even a question? "fuck, yes," alex mumbles, and grabs jack's face, bringing him in for another heavy-mouthed kiss he's been aching for. jack's hand strokes him faster, and alex moans into jack's mouth; god, he never knew he could be so loud, but jack seems to bring something out in him.

there's no warning when he finally comes— just the tug in his stomach, an explosion of pleasure, and a groan spilling from his lips. jack doesn't pull his hand away until he's sure alex is all done, the feeling spreading through the older boy until his knees have turned to jelly.

when he opens his eyes, regaining his breath, jack is holding a napkin and grinning. "clean yourself up," he says, and alex blushes. 

"that was..." he starts, accepting the napkin, "i—"

"you're welcome," jack interrupts, and alex realizes quickly that he's still probably hard.

"you need any help with that?" he asks, glancing at jack's crotch, and jack grins again.

it's not like he could refuse alex, anyway.

a/n: this isn't that good but i didn't feel like going in to too much detail bc this isn't like a story rly about that? sorry idk

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