Chapter 2

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I woke up and made breakfast. Eggs and bacon.

" Hewe." I say giving my cousin a strip.

" Two more!!" He screamed.

I was given a stern look, so I just gave him two more. I ate on piece, after sneaking it. I ate leftover dry cereal from the other day. I didn't know what day it was. Besides the 29th of July. There was a ring at the door.

" Alex get in your cupboard." My uncle snapped.

I nodded and left my place and slid into the cupboard. My uncle opened the door. I could hardly hear the conversation.

" I am here to receive Alex Potter."

" Who?" My uncle lied.

" Alex Potter. He lives here, 4 Privet Drive. Under the Cupboard. "

" How do even know we have one?" My uncle asked.

I heard shoving.

" HEY HEY HYE!! I need to see some documents for an excuse of forced entry!!" My uncle yelled.

" No need, I'm adopting Alex." A voice said.

" There shall be no such thing!! He lives here!! Works here!! Eats here!!" My uncle lied again.

The cupboard was opened and a man stood there.

"Alex come out I am here to adopt you from your Uncle." He said.

I slowly stood up and walked out into the light. He saw all my dried blood, bruises, and scabs. He took my hand.

" Alex is coming with me and living with me." he said.

"No he is staying here, and working for me!" my uncle yelled taking my arm.

"Alex who do you want to live with? It is your choice." the man says.

" I won't harm much." My uncle says.

" I won't harm you, only touch you to assist you, and will help you over every obstacle. I will support you no matter what. You don't have to work for me." he says.

I ran into the stranger's arms. My uncle was very mad. He lunged at me tackling me to the ground.He began to hit me but was suddenly thrown across the room. The man picked me up.

"Alex we are going to apparate to my house, don't be afraid."he whispered.

I nodded and then suddenly the room went blurry as it felt like I was being sucked through a tube. We now stood in the living room of another house.

"Whewe awe we?" I ask.

" My house, Spinners End."

" Who awe you?"

"Severus Snape, your godfather."

"Dank you."

"Your welcome child. We should heal those wounds of yours, I know where to go."he says.

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