Chapter 13

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I wake up, today was September 1st, today the students were coming. Professor McGonagall said they were coming at around dinner, so I had plenty of time to get ready to be surrounded. She said when dinner comes, she'll have things sent up, and she'll talk to the Gryffindors about the situation. I will just have to be in the common room bottom floor by 8:00. She gave me a watch for my birthday, so I'd know what time it was. I walked down to the Great Hall for breakfast. I knew the route there and back. And to her classroom, the courtyard, and the library. I sat down and ate silently. There were a few teachers, the rest were taking the train here. McGonagall was on the train, she had the prefects to talk to. I ate quickly. Dumbledore wanted to talk to me. I headed up into his office.

" You wanted to see me?" I ask.

He nods. " Indeed. You seem to have grown fond of Hogwarts quickly."

I nod. " I like it here." I say.

He smiles, his eyes twinkling. " Just know when all the students see you, you'll be swarmed with questions and hugs." He says.

" I know." I say.

" you're quite smart for a five year old." He says.

" I've learned a few things, I was forced to read so I knew how to cook. So I wasn't a "dumbass" as my uncle referred me as." I say.

He shook his head. " They were wrong with what they did to you and Harry, but you protected Harry from the blows. " he says.

" I couldn't watch him get hurt for something as simple as, over cooking something by a little. I took the blame. But that's in the past. All that matters in now and the future. " I say.

" Wise boy. You could turn out to be me." He says.

I smirk. " I know." I answer.

" You may go, as you know, lunch is approaching, then the students arrive soon after. You are allowed to see the Quidditch matches. You just need to have a buddy to stay near at all times. Wouldn't want you getting lost now would we?" He asks.

I smile and walk out. " I will see you later Professor." I say.

" Of course Alex." He says.

I walk out and back to the Great Hall. I eat quickly and head to the library. I wanted a book to keep me occupied while I was in the common room. I picked out a random book I thought I hadn't read before. I checked it out and went to the common room. I sat down and played with Jack for a while. I checked my watch. 7:30. Dinner had just arrived, curtesy of the House Elves. The one who brought me food was honored and pleased to have met me. His named was Sprouty. I ate and finished quickly, so Sprouty took my dish back to the kitchens. It was 7:55. So I had about five minutes. I went upstairs and put my book and Jack away. I jumped downstairs and sat down in the chair that faced away from the door. I soon heard it open and heard nothing. I heard some whispering about who'd find me. I just smirked from my chair.

" Alex this is all the years of Gryffindor, 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7. Please come out." I heard McGonagall say.

" Of course Professor." I say.

I turn my chair around to face all the Gryffindors. They varied in sizes. They weren't very organized at the time. Some gasped. I was immediately swamped.

" One at a time." I say.

" I have soooo many questions!! What's your favorite color? Do you have a pet? If so, what type and what's their name?" One girl says.

" Marcy calm down. " says a boy.

He has ginger hair and freckles. There was another one who looked like him, just a bit smaller standing next to him.

" I'm Bill, Bill Weasley." He says sticking out a hand.

I shake it.

" This is Charlie. " he says motioning to his brother.

I shake his hand too. " Nice to meet you." I say.

" The honor is ours." Bill says.

I smile. Most people had started to wander upstairs, but Bill and Charlie had stayed.

" I'm in my fourth year, Charlie here is in his second. " bill says.

I nod smiling.

" How do you like Hogwarts so far?" Charlie asks.

" I like it. I'm living here from now until I graduate, so I'll see plenty of you guys." I say.

" And our brothers! And sister. " Bill says.

" How many siblings do you have?" I ask.

" Well there's me, Charlie, then there's Percy, Fred and George, whom are twins, Ronald, or Ron, and Ginny. " he says.

I nod. " So there will always be at least one Weasley when I'm here?" I ask.

He nods. " Yea, there should be." He says thinking.

" And you'll be in the same year as Ron!" Charlie exclaims.

" Yea!" I shout.

" We should be heading up to bed." Bill says leaning back in his chair.

We nod. We head up and I follow Bill up, coincidentally his bed was next to mine. So I had a friend nearby. He said he was going to write to his mother, in case I ever wanted to go home with him during the holidays or summer.

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