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Aphmau's POV

Bear with me I'm terrible at fight scenes

*Play Song*

I couldn't take it anymore.

Maybe it was the food. Maybe my mid-afternoon beating knocked a smidge of sense into me.

Regardless, it suddenly became surreal to me...

He was going to use me again.

He had already kicked my side, where previous cuts lay fresh and unmended. 

And I just let it out.

All of it.

All my pain.

All my fears.

All my suffering.

In one big, beautiful scream where I felt like even my own ears would bleed. 

I had given up, in a different way than before. 

This way felt selfish but...I was done.

I could briefly see the whites of Ein's blazing eyes before he seized me roughly and threw me against the wall.

My limbs flail like a pathetic rag doll before I feel the impact of the plastered wall. I...think my face took the brunt of it. I couldn't tell. Everything hurt.

I do know that my cheek feels like it's being licked by a flame. And that everything seemed on fire. Everything seemed red.


I try to pick myself off the ground, spurting blood as I choked on sobs, my arms buckling in protest.

"You—you are just such a piece of shit. Such a whore. Gods, you are lucky—lucky I still have the capacity to love someone like you."

I'm lucky?...I'M LUCKY?!

He's not done with me. Picking me once more off the floor, he pins me high on the wall with brushing grips on my wrists. 

All I can do is whimper and sob, my legs dangling as I writhed to no avail in his grasp. 

He forcefully crashes his lips on mine.

I flinch and struggle, but none of that matters. He doesn't budge, doesn't acknowledge my resistance. He just holds me against the wall as he ravaged my lips. 

Well, until, he throws me on the bed.

Pain. That is all I know. For some reason, it's easier to focus on the bruises than what he's about to do. Anything is better than this.

He crawls on top of me, holding me down in all the ways he knew how—in all the ways he's had practice in. 

I just keep screaming. In all the ways I knew how—in all the ways I've had to practice in.

One second, the door is opening.

The next second, Ein flies off me, into, ironically, the same wall as I had.

Okay—correction, Aaron had thrown Ein at the wall.

AlI I can do is sob—loudly, finally able to take in my air. But I can't move, just barely able to make out the fight out of the corner of my wild eyes. 

Ein groans on the floor, coughing hoarsely as he held his torso.

Aaron doesn't waste any time—delivering a nasty blow to Ein's hung head, before pulling him up the wall by the collar of his shirt.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" Aaron bellows, every inch of him tense with rage. His eyes dark with what could only be described as murder.

Ein chuckles roughly. "Things you'll never do."

Aaron throws another punch, breaking Ein's nose. 

Ein howls in beautiful agony but quickly recovers enough to shove his tail in Aaron's face, blinding him momentarily.

With the short-lived advantage, Ein pushes off the wall with his feet, somersaulting off Aaron.

As Aaron and Ein continue to fight, Katelyn rushes over to me, her face scrunched with concern.

"Aphmau—gods—we need to get you out of here—"

"But, Aaron—"

The man in question had just kicked Ein against the wall, surely breaking a few bones, or at least Aphmau hoped. Rage boiled in her, like it never had before. The dam had broken and everything was rushing in at once. Somehow, Aphmau still felt like she was drowning. 

"The police will be here soon, but we need to go..."

As Katelyn tells me this, I start to hear sirens.

Aaron had Ein pinned to the floor, seizing him by the throat.

Aaron was...furious, to say the least. There was something feral and violent in his being that she'd never seen before. 

Ein wasn't too different, but he was more unhinged, clawing at Aaron like an angry cat.

"Now, you get to rot in prison, until you get to rot in hell." Aaron hisses with so much hostility I'm somehow able to shiver further.


The police have arrested Ein.

The officers push and escort him out of the room by his cuffed hands.

Aaron stands up, his gaze swerving from Ein to me.

He's in front of me in seconds, hesitating with a grimace for a moment, his gaze sweeping over me, no doubt eyeing the bruises which were on display due to my nightgown. I can't bear it, because there it is. The disappointment. The shame. For him to finally see me marred and broken.

I'm almost surprised when he brings me into a strong embrace.

"Oh my Irene, Aph...What did he do to you?" His angered presence now dissipating into worry. He doesn't bother hiding the crack in his voice. 

I just cry into his shoulder, gripping his hoodie until my knuckles blanched white. 

"It's okay. It's okay, Aph. You're safe. You're safe now."

I just keep sobbing, pain. It's all I feel. It's all I know. His embrace is so nice it feels wrong. Everything always feels wrong. 

"I'm so sorry, Aphmau. I'm so so sorry. I should've known. I should've seen you. You shouldn't have had to go through that."

"I-I won't let anything happen to you, ever again."

You can't promise me that. No one can. And even if you could, the damage is done.

"Anything" has already happened.

We've already lost. 

It all becomes too much as the darkness consumes me.

Domestic Abuse is large global issue in our time, and has been for a long time.

If you, or someone you know, is being domestically abused, go to The National Domestic Violence Hotline at:


P.S. This is not sponsored.

Have a nice day my crystals!

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