Natsu and Zeref

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Zeref -

Hi! My name is Zeref, Zeref Dragneel I'm the older brother of Natsu, my cuttest little bro! I'm a dark mage but Im not that really dangerous now than before. Seing Natsu made me feel I can be a good person. When I saw him, my heart beated fast, faster than before. Thats why I'm not that dangerous now, is because he inspired me that I can do better things. I tried hard, I did my best, and did everything I could so I'll not be rejected by the world. Turns out one day it did work! I was so happy founding out that the world isnt rejecting me anymore, that was one of the best things that happened in my life! Its fun not seing anyone die anymore right infront of my eyes. Before the day I tried to be the person I was now..... I told Natsu that he was E.N.D and Im his big brother. I think he didnt belived it but maybe he did. I hope he was'nt uppset that he was E.N.D and my little brother. I thought about helping him in his previous life now cuz maybe all the once he love will not accept him once they found out he's E.N.D. I wish I could've done better than what I did before so he wont get hurt, not just physical but also emotional. I also want him to accept and love me! That would be great if he did! But now Im sad for him cuz I know its hard to accept that you're a demon from the book of Zeref which is me plus E.N.D is suppose to be dead and the little brother of an evil wizard. I dont know what will happen next to him I hope it isnt bad cuz I want to see him again another time.

Natsu -

Yo! My name's Natsu Dragneel of the Fairytail guild! "They call me the "Salamander" cuz I use Fire Dragon Slayer Magic, pretty cool right? They said that I'm kind and awsome but they also say that I'm a total dummy like Gray, my rival. Oh, I forgot to tell you about Igneel. Igneel's my dad, he's a dragon, The King of the Fire Dragons, he loves me so much. He was the one who thought me language, how to read and write, and he even thought me magic... Fire Dragon Slayer Magic! He died because of Achnologia, and I cant believe that I just saw the whole thing, but at leat I was able to talk to him even for just a few seconds. I just smiled to everyone after Igneel died, I acted like nothing happened, but I think Happy saw me. I fought Zeref with Igneels remaining power but Zeref told me something...... He said that he has a grat family... until they died by Fire breathing Dragons, his parents died and his little brother, Natsu died too. He said the only way to revive me is to make me a demon... which is called... E.N.D, Etherious Natsu Dragneel. I did'nt believe it. I was suppose to be E.N.D? But E.N.D is suppose to be dead? Plus if I'm E.N.D Igneel could've crushed me with one toe, cuz he's the one who made tartaros! Now, how can I explain this to everyone I love? ... they might not accept me anymore! ..... I ---- cant ---- tell ---- them ----- I ----- aint ---- E.N.D! How should I do this??? What will I do??? Should I reveal the truth???

The End
(The 1st Chapter is about what Natsu and Zeref explained in their Last sentences) - (Knowing E.N.D)

E.N.D - Etherious Natsu DragneelWhere stories live. Discover now