Chapter 2

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After being with Zeref........

Happy pulled Natsu's body out of the fightin' area. The last power of Igneel is now fading.... "Hey Natsu can we rest for a little bit?" Happy asked. "S-sure buddy!" Natsu replied. Happy flew down the nearest pond and drop Natsu carefully... Natsu sat down and didnt do anything... While Happy puts his paws down the water Natsu said "Happy? are your paws okay? Sorry for burning it!" Happy answered "Its okay Natsu, I know you didnt mean to do that!" Happy continued to put his paws in the water. When Happy saw Natsu, he saw that Natsu isn't very good than before. He walked towards Natsu and said "Natsu there should be another way, I wont let you die". Then Natsu nodded. Natsu was'nt sure about that..... he saw his partner really worried about him then suddenly Happy approached him then immediately hugged Natsu "You're my best friend Natsu, am I not the same to you?" Happy shouted while crying. Natsu was supprised. "Dont worry!" Natsu said calmly. Few minuets later....

Natsu looked at the sky wondering what will happen if he told everyone that he's E.N.D. Natsu was scared letting everyone know. He looked at his blue partner and saw him asleep. Its now his time to move.

He went in the clear pond and looked at his reflection, he saw his face in the water and saw there was tears droping. "Tears??? Why --------- why am I crying?" he asked himself. He touched his face and remove his tears from his eyes. Then when he looked back he imagined his friends......... his family, Fairy tail. Once he saw everyone he cried even harder, he placed his arms thru his face and covered it while wiping his tears, he thought everyone would hate him if they knew he's E.N.D so he kept his secret until he can.

He looked at the clear water again then he saw a growing horn in his salmon hair. "Go away! Go away!" Natsu said. Natsu was terrified...... He was scared, Natsu didnt know what to do... He paniked, then suddenly, he reallized he cant move anymore. He just waited and waited but then he accedentaly fell asleep.

Natsu woke up..... "What the? Where am I???" He asked. "Your in Fairy tail, Fairy tail's infirmary room!" Happy answered. "How did I end up being here?" Natsu asked again. "Well, when I woke up, I saw you hurt and was sleeping so, I carried you to Fairytail!" Happy replied. Natsu didnt now what to do when they found out so he stayed in the Fairy tail infirmary for a little while and rested.

The End
To Be Continued

E.N.D - Etherious Natsu DragneelWhere stories live. Discover now