Chapter 9

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Natsu -

I figured out that some of my comrades went to Blue Pegasus's guild because they wanted to know if I'm not joking... I'm not really sure if that's the case but, maybe it is. I was out in the forest alone, crying, I didnt thought that I would cry like that. After what happened to Igneel too......... I just smiled at everyone where they dont even know I was crying inside. I concider myself as one of the saddeat people in the world, I smile as hard as I could

 I concider myself as one of the saddeat people in the world, I smile as hard as I could

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cuz I dont wish to see anyone else suffer the way I did...

Natsu was figuring out how to end his nightmare being E.N.D. And so he got an idea! "What if I dont exist in the world anymore?" Natsu told himself... Zeref was shocked to hear that from Natsu, cuz he's the positive one out of everyone in the world (I think so) So there, Natsu was hiding back in a tree so no one can see him. Then so he tried to make a sword out of his fire but not just a regular sword, the super deadly one. After Natsu thinking if he should really do it... "I ---- should" Natsu said. So then he put the sword a little bit far from him so he can finish it with one push. He then, tried to put the sword in his chest as hard as he can. "Wait! Dont do it Natsu you cant!" Zeref shouted. Natsu stoped and looked back to see who was it. Then he saw Zeref. "Zeref?" Natsu asked. "Everyone in your guild still loves you! Even if they tried not to... In the bottom of their heart they still do!" Zeref shouted. Natsu became
up set, he thought everyone he knew wont love him anymore... but it seems they does'nt. "I heard that you tried to protect a lot of people and you did... like the one you did when delioras ice was worn off then you saved your friend from casting the iced shell!" Zeref said.


"Then I'll seal the demon myself!!! Iced Shell!" Gray shouted. "No Gray! I spent my life taking off that ice!" Lyon shouted too "Im not gonna worry about the future all I need to do is to stop it from killing us all right now!" Gray shouted. So he tried to use the spell. Then suddenly Natsu blocked his path. "Natsu what are you doing?" Gray shouted. "If I did'nt let you do it before then why would I let you now?! Im not gonna let you go out like that!!! Go ahead and cast the spell, I aint moving anywhere!" Natsu said. Then deliora started to attack. "Natsu out of the way!" Gray shouted. "Im not gonna give up till the bitter end!" Natsu shouted. Then deliora and Natsu touched each others fist. Natsu tried as hard as he can to stop the demon. Then deliora cracked and collapsed... finally it ended "Whoa! Im stronger than I thought!" Natsu said. Of course Team Natsu was happy.

End of flashback...

"And I also heard the time when you protected your girlfriend's future, the celestial wizard... I dont know her name sorry!" Zeref said. "Do you mean Lucy? She's not my girlfriend and I saw future Lucy died right before my eyes!" Natsu said. "Finally you already smiled even just a bit!" Zeref said happily. "So that was your goal after all!" Natsu said. And then...


Future Lucy started to cry... "Im really sorry. Its like... why did I come here? Until today I dont know what to do so I just wandered around the city." Future Lucy said. "Nah we'll do something for the future!" Natsu said. Natsu walked towards Future Lucy. "Thank you! You're doing this for our future....... I swear we'll change it!" Natsu said. Then after a while... Future rouge came and tried to kill Lucy but Future Lucy blocked it. "Its so strange... I never thought I'd die with my own arms!" Future Lucy said. Lucy, Happy and Wendy started to cry. "Dont cry! Its okay! I thought I'd never see my friends again but I did one last time! And its enough to pay the hell I've been thru." Future Lucy said. Happy cried so hard because of Future Lucy dying. "Hey! Could you let me see your guild mark?" Future Lucy asked Lucy gently. Then Lucy showed her guild mark after few seconds Fututre Lucy cried too. "Were's yours? What happened?" Lucy was shocked to see Future Lucy without her guild mark on her right hand. Then Natsu remembered the time when Lucy joined the guild, "Hey Natsu look! Mirajane just put the official Fairy tail mark on my hand!" Lucy said. "I just wished I could've had more adventures" Future Lucy said slowly. Then Natsu was mad at Future Rogue. "I wont let anyone steal Lucy's future... not while Im alive!" Natsu said. Natsu heard Future Lucy's voice calling out to him, "Please... protect the future!" Future Lucy said. "I will I promise! Natsu said while crying with anger. After fights with dragons and Future Rouge evreything went fine... Then Lucy hugged Natsu.

End of Flashback...

"You have to live for them! Even if you think they hate you, you still have to, because I know you care and love them so much! I think your partner accepts you from who you are now! Because you didnt change one bit!" Zeref said. "Happy? Are you sure? How do you know?" Natsu said. "Because he's coming to you! He was out there finding you earlier. I'll visit you next time... Little bro!" Zeref said slowly. Then suddenly Happy came shouting his name. "Natsu!!!" Happy shouted. "He was right!" Natsu said silently. Then Natsu immidently hugged him. "Thank you Happy!" Natsu said. "Hey Natsu... who were you talking to earlier?" Happy asked. "Its Zer" Natsu stoped talking when he turned around and did'nt see Zeref. His face went
like ............... this:

"Never mind!" Natsu said

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"Never mind!" Natsu said. "Thats our Natsu!" Happy said. Then they both laughed. "Wanna go back to the guild and rest?" Happy asked. "Sure!" Natsu said gently. Zeref was happy to see the Natsu they knew before...

The End
To Be Continued
(If anyone dont like long ones... then I'm really sorry!!!")

E.N.D - Etherious Natsu DragneelWhere stories live. Discover now