Chapter 11

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In the Fairy Tail guild

The next day......

"We're back you guys!" Wendy shouted. Gildarts, Carla, and Wendy looked... off... when they saw everyone lying on the floor. "Ow! My head hurts!" Lucy said. "Lucy! What Happened here?!" Carla asked. "Well...." Lucy said.


"Yeah! Its good having a party!" Natsu shouted. Everyone was freakin loud. Then suddenly Natsu threw a barrel around the guild hall. The only one that got hit was Gray. "Watch it you flame for brain!" Gray shouted. "Oh yeah! You wanna peace of me you pervert!" Natsu shouted too. "What ya call me!" Gray was mad. Then of course they started fighting and everyone else too. Lucy, Levy and Happy was hiding somewhere safe. "Here we go again!" Lucy, Levy and Happy said. "Dont you wanna join us?!" Gajeel asked Levy. "No way in hell! You guys are too rough! Thats why I'm hiding here and reading a book!" Levy said. After that Gajeel was hit by Natsu and Grays magic. Gajeel was mad.      "Of all people in this guild.... you... hurt me!!! I'll teach you guys a lesson!" Gajeel was super mad. Then the three of them had a rampage... Erza was eating her favorite strawberry cheese cake while talking to Romeo and Kinana... "Good thing Erza does'nt wanna fight with them! Or everything will get worst!" Romeo wispered to Kinana. "Quiet Romeo! Erza's beside you!" Kinana whispered too. "Sorry... forgot about that!" Romeo whispered again. After a while Erza saved the yummiest part of the cake for last but then... "Erza! Dont you wanna stop them?!" Lucy asked. Erza didnt said anything. She continued to eat her strawberry cheese cake. But... First she was hit by a table... Then she was hit by a chair... After that... Erza was hit by Natsu's flames not to mension Gray's ice. Her last piece of cake was burned and her face was freezed. Erza got really mad... so she went to fight Natsu for destroying her cake and Gray too! "Good thing I stoped targeting them!" Gajeel said. "Oh well!" Mirajene said. Then Kinana sighed. "Arent you gonna stop them?!" Romeo asked Mirajane. "I think you should leave them like that!" Mirajane answered. "Yeah! You'll be involved in the fighting Romeo if you stop them!" Kinana said. "I forgot!" Romeo said.

After a few hours later.....

Everyone was tired so they slept without knowing they're already sleeping.

End of Flashback...

"That explains why" Gildarts said.
Then Erza, Gray, Natsu and Happy woke up. "Ahh" Natsu shouted. Then Natsu started breathing fire. Everyone woke up. "Im getting dizzy! Ahh!" Natsu shouted again. "Oh no! He's on a loose!" Happy said. "So loud!!!" Levy said. Then Everyone got mad at Natsu. They kept on saying "Be Quiet Natsu!!!". After that all of them stoped talking when they saw Natsu sleeping from them. "Guess... Thats Natsu for ya!" Happy said. "Well... thats the way he acts everyday... if everyone accepts him of course!!!" Lucy said. "I agree!" Erza agreed to Lucy. "Me too! I gotta admit... Fairy Tail is'nt complete without him!" Gray said. Then everyone laughed.

Few minutes later...

Natsu woke up... He was happy to see everything back to normal. "Aww! Youre so cute when your smiling like that Natsu!" Lisanna said. "Shut up Lisanna!" Natsu was embaraced. "Yeah! Dont leave me hanging!" Happy said while his hands are ready to high - five Natsu. "What are you talking about?!" Natsu blushed. "I know that you know what I'm talking about!" Happy said. "I dont love her okay!" Natsu whispered. "Fine............ Just dont leave me hanging!" Happy said. Then they High - five each other.

Natsu walked around the guild and suddenly saw Erza looking at the S class boared. "Hey Erza! What are you looking at!?" Natsu asked. "Im interested in going on an S class mission with you guys... if you guys like to!" Erza said. "If I like to........ I love to of course! Its me your talking about!" Natsu shouted. "Are you kidding me!!!" Grat shouted... The two of them was very exited to go on a S class mission that they both hugged each other. "Good thing you were getting along!" Erza said. "Aye!" Both Natsu and Gray said. "Lucy too!" Erza said. Then Lucy herd what they're talking about. "I think I wont fit in a S class mission." Lucy said. "I know you can! And wether you like it or not! Your going with us! Cuz your our team mate remember!" Natsu said. "Yeah!" Happy said. Then Lucy smiled and blushed. "Lucy..." Erza said. "Why Erza.. something bothering you?" Lucy asked. "Can I ask you a question?" Erza said. "Of course... What is it?" Lucy said. "Why are you blushing?" Erza asked. "Ew! Your in love!" Happy said. "Shut up fur ball!" Lucy shouted. "Hehehehe!" Natsu laughed. Natsu was very happy seing his friends hanging out with him once more. Then of course... Zeref was still stalking him... but not for long... cuz he knew that Natsu would be fine especially with his friends.

Now Natsu and everyone in
Fairy Tail can be happy as it
was before!!!

And At the E.N.D. of the day Natsu knew that everything will work out just the way it used to be!!!

(Thank you for reading!
Hope you guys enjoyed it!)

THE END(Thank you for reading!Hope you guys enjoyed it!)😄😄😄😄😄😄

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