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A/N: we didn't reach our voting goal, but I don't want to make you guys wait that long so here u go, I'll upload this ff once or twice a week from now on. 

Also, not gonna warn you guys when there's smut bc this story is sinful in general :)

Jimin and Taehyung were currently in their dorm after they finished their classes. Taehyung was pacing around frantically as he tried to pick an outfit for his meet up with Jungkook.

"I don't know what to wear Chim, I have like zero clothes." Taehyung said as he threw his clothes behind him as he kept searching for the perfect outfit.

"Just wear what you normally wear, jesus don't think so difficult. You look good in anything anyways." His friend replied with an annoyed sigh.

Taehyung stopped throwing his clothes and sat on the ground with his arms crossed, pouting as he stared in front of him. Jimin walked over him and took a pair of black skinny jeans a black v-neck and a dark-blue blouse to give the outfit some colour.

After Taehyung put on the clothes after Jimin's command he looked at him judgingly.

"There's something missing, I miss the sexiness."

Taehyung looked at him offended. "Miss the sexiness? I am all sexy excuse you."

Jimin stepped back and got a yellow headband, making his hear pushed back effortlessly.

"Now that, is what I call sexy." He proclaimed as he looked at his creation proudly.

"Alright now get your ass to the park it's already 5

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"Alright now get your ass to the park it's already 5.55 pm." Jimin patted Taehyung's butt as he walked off, giving a thumbs up before pushing him out of the room.

As soon as the park was in sight Taehyung saw a raven haired male wave excitedly. He made his way towards the male and greeted him back.

"Hey Taehyung." The other male greeted him with a friendly smile.

Taehyung exchanged the same gesture and they decided to walk around the park first to talk about how the lessons would take place.

"So Taehyung, if I'm correct you passed your theoretical exam already right?"

Taehyung nodded while mumbling an agreement.

"Well, then I would like to know what exactly makes driving so hard for you? Like is it that you don't know how to control the car or do you find the traffic rules difficult to remember?" Jungkook asked him curiously.

Taehyung didn't really know what to answer, all he knew was that he just sucked at driving and when he did get a chance to be on the road he either ran something over or managed to permanently traumatize his instructor.

"I don't really know to be honest, I just kinda suck- at driving I mean!" Taehyung unnecessarily added.

Jungkook let out a giggle before turning his head towards him with a suggestive smirk.

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