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a/n: I love hopekook fkdjd

The calender finally said Friday had arrived, everyone being excited about the party. As soon as the clock ticked 7 pm, Jimin and Taehyung for ready for the party.

They were driving towards Yoongi's house with Hoseok's car and staying over, because they all knew they wouldn't be able to make it back home after that night.

"Hurry your ass up, it's already 7.30 and we still need to drive there." Jimin scolded Taehyung, who was still deciding on what shirt he should wear.

"But is the black one better or the grey one?"

"Black, grey shows sweatmarks, now let's go." Jimin awnsered instantly, handing him the black shirt.

The males made their way towards Hoseok's dorm, walking out of the university to the parking lot. When the males were all seated they drove off to Yoongi's house while listening to rap music. As they arrived close to his house they parked the car at a nearby parking lot, knowing there would be no space at Yoongi's house anymore.

"Guys come here and let's take a selfie." Jimin gestured to the two males, pulling out his phone.

Without showing the males which one out of the 4 photo's they took, he posted it on Insta and they continued walking.

523 likespark_jimin On our way to party at @mingenius house😜👌

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park_jimin On our way to party at @mingenius house😜👌

@gucciboy95: you fucking dick I look so bad in this picture

@park_jimin: well that's too bad hoe bc I look amazing nd I ain't removing it

@gucciboy95: well at least I don't have the username of a 13 year old


@gucciboy95: you know you can change it right?

@park_jimin: .... maybe

@yourhope: can you children stop conversating via Insta you're literally next to each other

@mingenius: agreed @yourhope so get your asses here already

The males finally arrived at the elder's house, it was a huge mansion, two white gates  (a/n I'd just like to say that I accidentally wrote two white gays first)  would be blocking their entrance normally, but since there was a party going on it was opened for the night. They walked through the enormous garden first, the sound of the pebbles on the ground they were stepping on slowly died down as the music from inside the house grew louder.

The door opened, revealing Yoongi with a drink in his hand as people were seen in the background behind him dancing and drinking.

"The hoes finally decided to show up, come in." He said as he opened up his arms, gesturing for the other males to walk inside.

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