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a/n: short update cause I'm sick and dying but still want to give yall an update :)

The next day at school Hoseok was nowhere to be seen, making the males seated in the cafeteria question his sudden absence.

"So does anyone know why Hoseok isn't at school or where he is?" Jungkook questioned, finding it strange that the male didn't attend his classes.

Yoongi shrugged, "I haven't seen him in our dorm either, maybe he's just taking a walk if he wasn't feeling well."

Namjoon just kept silent as the males continued talking about their day, keeping in mind to look for him after his classes ended.

Everyone stood up, Taehyung quickly retreated his hand as Jungkook tried to grab his when they were heading to their classes. The younger gave him a questioning, but offended look, making Taehyung look at him and mumble a sorry as he ran off, not wanting to discuss the awkward situation any further.

Namjoon walked to the park near their school in hopes of finding Hoseok, knowing he needed to talk with someone. While walking he saw a figure in the distance, sitting on the grass, staring at the lake in front of him. It wasn't particularly sunny outside, a breeze hitting his skin not so softly, but he couldn't care less about the weather when he was left with such guilt buried inside of him.

Namjoon approached the male silently, crouching down to gain his attention, sitting next to him. Silence engulfed them both, Namjoon not knowing what to say, but knowing Hoseok would appreciate his presence.

"So, Hoseok" He started, not looking at the male but straight forward, looking at the amphibians that took over the side of the lake.

"I think we need to talk about what happened at the party." Namjoon tried carefully, not wanting to touch the topic too directly.

Hoseok slowly looked at the other male, trying to find words in his vocabulary to even start explaining that night. He remembered his and Namjoon's conversation very well that night, he remembered being black out drunk and slumping against him.

*At the party that night*

"Namjoooon, I gotta tell yu somethin."

The male just laughed at his friend, "What is it Hoseok?"

"I have this huuuuge secret that you can't tell ANYONEE" He said with big gestures of his arms.

Namjoon looked skeptical as Hoseok leaned on to whisper in his ear.

"You know Jiminie right?" Hoseok giggled, "I kissed him."

Namjoon's eyes grew wide as he pulled away from Hoseok, staring at him, hoping he was joking.

"Please tell me that's not really what you did."

Hoseok just nodded while giggling, "Jiminie kissed me back, his lips are so sooooft." He said in a whiny tone as he slouched down to drink some more beer.

"Okay I think you've had enough!" Namjoon exclaimed as he swooped the bottle from under Hoseok's nose, groaning inwardly as he saw Jimin further down in the kitchen talking with his boyfriend, Yoongi as if nothing happened.

Hoseok whined and made grabby hands, whining and wanting his beer back.

"Did anyone see you?" Namjoon said, trying to stay calm as he sat himself next to a very drunk and giggly Hoseok.

Hoseok shook his head, "Noperido, we went to the bathroom upstairs and he just looked soooo good I just had to know what his lips tasted like." He finished off with a smile.

"I'm praying for your ass when Yoongi finds out..."

The males lied down on the grass, now staring at the calming sky, clouds preventing them from seeing the normally clear blue colour of the sky. Hoseok had explained that it wasn't his intention, but when you're drunk you do stupid shit you regret the day after. He wanted to talk with Jimin about it the morning after, but the younger male didn't seem to remember, since he himself was pretty drunk as well.

"You gotta tell Yoongi one day"

Hoseok gave him a look, "since when do I have a death wish?"

Namjoon chuckled sadly, knowing if Yoongi found out he'd most probably try to amputate Hoseok with his own hands.

"It'll be okay in the end," Namjoon sat up and gave him a reassuring pat on his arm, "now stand up and lets order food to cheer you up."

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