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Taehyung entered his dorm and was greeted by his best friend lying on the couch, cuddled up with Yoongi. Once he shrugged off his jacket and his shoes he sat down in a chair next to the couch.

Yoongi glanced at the male before chuckling, "Seems like you've had fun." To which the other male next to him looked up too, grinning after him.

Taehyung looked confused at his friends until his friend stated out the very obvious hickey on his neck.

"You've got a nice little friend there I see." The gray haired male poked it with his index finger, to be flicked away by the other male, huffing while trying to pull his t-shirt up.

Jimin chuckled as he laid down on his stomach on Yoongi's lap, "Maybe you should also take care of your other business down there." He pointed to the male's lap, making the said male burn crimson. Taehyung ran towards the bathroom, huffing in annoyance as he turned on the shower, quickly stripping down and taking a cold shower.

The next day Seokjin, Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung were walking through the school, the orange haired male going on about his future dreams.

"Alright Christian." Seokjin responded sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Hyung! That's my stage name, don't use it here."

"For god's sake Jimin, how many times have we been over this?" His best friend asked annoyed, while letting out an exaggerated sigh.

"It is..." He said stubbornly while crossing his arms, making Namjoon turn to him, upset.

"Park Jimin you will not be a stripper with the name Christian!" He shouted at him, being completely over the male's future dreams, making Jimin flinch and pout.

"But hyung!" The male whined at him, "Imagine how sexy I would be, Christian Chim... It just rolls of the tongue so nicely." He said dreamily as his best friend just face palmed, listening to the particular future dream of the male for the nth time.

The elder sighed as he looked at Jimin again, giving up on any remark he wanted to throw at the other as he just shook his head and grabbed his boyfriend's hand, walking off, leaving the two friends behind.

Jimin looked hopefully at his friend who quickly got what he wanted and shouted a: "Nope." As he strolled off, leaving the male pouting, quickly running up to him as they laughed, running through the halls like idiots.

The pair sat in class again, Jimin doodling in his notebook and his best friend next to him, texting a certain raven haired male, which did not go unnoticed by Jimin.

"Hey Juliet, sending nudes to your Romeo?"

Taehyung shot up and shut his phone off, making the other male grin at him.

"I'm not and don't call me Juliet, you bitch."

His best friend raised his eyebrows and let out a chuckle, "Alright princess, my bad."

The male glared at him, sending death threats with his eyes. He was indeed texting Jungkook, talking about meeting, but not without a little bit of flirting. Jimin grabbed Taehyung's phone, quickly unlocking it and going through his texts.

"Hey Jimin, give it back god damn it!" Taehyung shouted while attempting to grab it, making the lecturer in front look at the males in the back, sending a warning glare.

Jimin giggled as he read through his texts, gasping at one particular that Jungkook send him, he cleared his throat and read it out loud.

Jungkook: I'll come over to your place after classes, but to study!

We can continue that other thing another time baby boy ;)

Jimin gasped loudly, "He send you a wink! And what is that other thing? Oh my god Taehyung, did you suck his dick?!" Jimin half shouted at him, making Taehyung placed his hand over Jimin's mouth in shock, quickly shutting him up.

"There are over 200 people in this room, shut the fuck up!" He whisper shouted at him, making the teacher look up once again.

"PARK JIMIN, KIM TAEHYUNG, OUT OF MY CLASS, NOW!" The teacher shouted at them, nearly everyone was staring at them at this point. The males quickly packed their bags and left, Taehyung annoyingly stomping away in front of Jimin.

Jimin ran after him, his face falling as he saw Taehyung upset, running away quickly.

"Tae, wait up, I'm sorry!"

A/N: woops drama already


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